Letter from the Editor-In-Chief
Jennifer Graham, MD
Welcome, to the eighth edition of the Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical School. It has been my pleasure to serve as the Chief Editor of the journal this year, and I hope you enjoy it as you read through it. It continues to serve as a platform for our community to share current events, ongoing clinical and research, alumi events, resident life, Resident Thesis Day, and Graduation.
I would like to thank my fellow resident co-editors George Dyer, Mark Price, and Coleen Sabatini. I would also like to thank Stefan Jibodh for his fundraising efforts, he helped raise $10,000 towards the production of this journal. Without these residents effort, the journal would not have been possible. I would also like to Diane Sheehan for all her hard work and time she puts into the journal, in addition to her regular job.
I want to thank all the alumni who donated money to the journal this year. Without your support and the continued support of industry, this journal would not be possible.
This year the editors have decided to dedicate the journal to an individual who not only has had a large impact on our training as residents here at Harvard, but in teaching on a global level. Dr. Jesse Jupiter has devoted his life to research and teaching, in addition to being more athletically inclined than most of his residents. Dr. David Ring, who was the first Chief Editor of this Journal and an excellent surgeon in his own right, has written an outstanding dedication to Dr. Jupiter.
It has been an honor to serve as the Chief of the journal this year. I hope you enjoy the eighth edition of the Orthopaedic Jounral at Harvard Medical School.
Jennifer Graham, MD