HOJ HOME | Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency
| The Children's Hospital |
So far so good! As my second year draws to an end, this annual report gives me an opportunity to reflect upon the year and the significant accomplishments in the Orthopaedics Department at the Massachusetts General Hospital. New
Practice Model We welcome Mr. David Gaynor, our new administrative director. David plays a pivotal role in implementing changes to improve efficiency in the department. David's experience as administrator in the Partners Department of Radiology and CEO of a local medical imaging company prepare him well to position us for the demands of the future. David's innovation and attention to detail are greatly appreciated and I look forward to his many positive contributions. Working with the Massachusetts General Physicians Organization (MGPO), we now have control over our complete revenue cycle that has led to significant improvements in our financial performance. Tom Amerault, the new director of the Orthopaedic Billing Office, has worked with Rosalie Martin, Administrative Director for Finance, and the administrative team to create a new monthly physician report that offers a more comprehensive look at practice trends and finances. The billing office will be moving to a new location in the spring, which will offer more space and greatly improved facilities. Congratulations to Tom, Rosalie, and the members of the MGO Billing Office! Last year I reported that the clinical volume at the MGH had plateaued. After a series of strategic moves and additional staff recruitment, I am pleased to report that our clinical activ-ities have grown. We have relocated some examination rooms, correlated M.D. schedules, and have increased our capacity for patients in all practice locations. In addition, we have relocated the chief residents' offices in the ACC 525 area and have finished reconstruction on the POB physicians' office building area that houses the shoulder service. Dr. Pedlow has moved to a new practice area on the ACC area and has opened the MGH Spine Center. In addition, the hand fellows have relocat-ed their offices greatly expanding our capacity in the hand and upper extremity unit. Dr. Mark Vrahas, the new Partners Chief of Orthopaedic Trauma, has opened his office on 525 ACC and has firmly established the MGH orthopaedic trauma service in the ACC area. The Foot and Ankle Service has moved to a new office location recently vacated by Dr. Boyd. This larger space will accommodate all administrative and research functions for the Foot and Ankle Service and will be shared with Dr. James Heckman who will be seeing patients and operating approxi-mately one day per week at the MGH. Further expansion of the Foot and Ankle Service is anticipated. The continued reorganization
of our clinical space as well as the additional strategic recruitment
will continue to position us formidably in the very competitive New England
market. We all greatly anticipate the new Partners Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery brochure, which will highlight the sur-geons and subspecialties
at the Massachusetts General and Brigham and Women's Hospital. |
New Clinical Faculty Since joining us last year, Drs. Francis Hornicek (orthopaedic oncology), Mark Vrahas (orthopaedic trauma), J.P. Warner (shoulder service) and Thomas Gill (sports medicine) have contributed greatly in clinical, adminis-trative, educational and research pro-grams. Each should be congratulated for the growth in their respective divi-sions. More recently, Dr. James Sarni, a physiatrist, joined us and will be working in the Spine Center. After finishing his rehabilitation residency at Albert Einstein in the Bronx, New York, Dr. Sarni completed a fellowship in Sports Medicine. He joins us from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Tufts University School of Medicine where he was a key member of the Spine Service. Dr. Sarni has received numer-ous honors including the Leo Davidoff Society Award for out-standing contributions to medical student teaching. He has authored numerous articles and has given presentations throughout the US on the treatment of low back pain. In addi-tion, he is involved in local athletics and is an important addition to the department. We welcome him to the Spine Center and look forward to his many contributions. We also welcome his wife, Melody, and children, Adriana and Christopher. |
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Dr. James Sarni |
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Dr. James Heckman recently joined Dr. Theodore in the Foot and Ankle Service and arrives at MGH after a truly exemplary career. Recently appointed editor of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Dr. Heckman most recently served as Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He has served as president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and has held many leadership roles in other national organizations. In his new position as editor of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery he will retool the journal to meet the challenges of the electronic age and the explosion of knowledge in the area of orthopaedic surgery. Dr. Heckman will assume part time clinical practice in the Foot and Ankle Service at the MGH. It is a great and distinct pleasure to welcome him and his wife to Boston. It is also a great pleasure to welcome Dr. David Ring as an instructor in Orthopaedics and an important member of the hand service. Dr. Ring will arrive in August, 2000. As all of you know, David has endless energy and is one of the people responsible for the first Harvard Orthopaedic Journal. He has received numerous awards and has published over 25 papers. He is an exceptional surgeon and clinician. We welcome him to the group. |
Dr. David Ring | |
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Ether Dome |
HOJ HOME | Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency
| The Children's Hospital |
Updates Led by Dr. William H. Harris, the arthroplasty service at the MGH is the most active inpatient division within the department. The service performed approximately 1000 arthroplasties in the past year, making it one of the busiest cen-ters in the New England area. With the unexpected retirement of Dr. Hugh Chandler, an increase in staff will be necessary to continue to provide our outstanding revision services. We are currently in the process of recruiting a fellowship trained reconstructive surgeon with a primary focus in knee arthroplasty to direct many new initiatives. After adjusting to my new position, it is great to be back in the operating room. The new core lecture series and reactivation of the journal club on a city wide basis adds yet another avenue of educational value to the service. In the fall of 2000, the arthroplasty service at the MGH and the Brigham & Women's arthroplasty service will initiate a combined fellowship program for one of the fellows.Our hope is to further strengthen each of the fellowship activities by our combined efforts. The renowned Harris Hip Course and the Harvard Knee Course continue to highlight our CME activities. Congratulations to Dr. William H. Harris and the service for important work that resulted in the FDA approval of the new crosslinked polyethylene. This new material is poised to begin a new revolution in total joint arthroplasty. The Department held a retirement reception for Dr. Hugh Chandler early this year to celebrate a career in orthopaedics that spanned three decades. The reception was attended by generations of colleagues, staff, students, friends, and family. Speakers Steven Murphy, Bill Harris, Henry Mankin, Jim Herndon, Peter Slavin, and Hugh's wife, Betsy, provided us with a look into a career and a man whose devotion, warmth, and wry wit garnered affection from patients and colleagues alike. It is a distinct pleasure to congratulate Hugh on the many accomplishments of his career, which leave an enduring influence in the field of orthopaedic surgery. We are also pleased to announce that fundraising efforts have begun to endow the first Hugh P. Chandler Adult Reconstructive Fellowship. We wish him the very best as he pursues other interests which include spending time aboard his sailboat, Scheherazade, in the Boston Harbor. Foot and Ankle Service Foot and Ankle Service The foot and ankle service under the direction of George Theodore is focused on the treatment of adult and adolescent disorders of the ankle and foot. Recently, the service moved to a larger office space on ACC 5. In addition to Dr. Heckman, we expect to add an additional surgeon to the service in 2001 and expand the resident education program. Further collaboration with the podiatry service will be developed. Recent research activities in the service include a study on the effects of shock-wave therapy for plantar fasciitis. We anxiously await the results of this important prospective study Hand Service Led by Dr. Jesse Jupiter, the hand service provides total care of the hand and upper extremity. Currently, Drs. Jupiter and Li are the busiest surgeons in an outpatient unit at the Massachusetts General Hospital. An important AO Foundation grant is being used to develop a center of excellence for hand and upper limb trauma and reconstructive problems and to fully equip the new documentation center. The grant will also provide funding for future prospective multicenter studies. The world-class hand service will be further strengthened this year by the addition of Dr. David Ring. He will continue to strengthen the ties with the trauma service and will broaden greatly the research interests in the unit. Shoulder Service The Partners Shoulder Service, led by Dr. John "J.P." Warner, continues to grow and diversify. The service contin-ues to build alliances with physical therapy, occupational ther-apy, and primary care practices. The shoulder service fellowship, one of the first international fellowships, is highly sought after and the best of its kind. Through a series of textbooks, syllabi, other educational media, and an active scholarship pro-20 gram, the shoulder service is a model for the future. In addition, a strategic recruitment is underway to further expand clinical activities. A new faculty member will be on board in the fall of 2000. The service is one of the most productive at the MGH and is greatly appreciated by the resident staff. Orthopaedic Oncology The Orthopaedic Oncology Service is led by Dr. Henry Mankin, a leader in the field of connective tissue oncology. The group has successfully integrated with the numerous services that are needed to treat complex oncologic patients. In addi-tion to the successful clinical program, the service has been involved in CME courses of pathophysiology of orthopaedic disease, and the publication of numerous clinical and research reviews. Dr. Fran Hornicek has been an exceptional addition to the service and has grown his practice to a very busy one in a very short period of time. Fran's passion for orthopaedic surgery, his contributions to the oncology practice, and his contributions to the trauma service have been greatly appreciated. Mark Gebhardt has moved his base to Childrens' Hospital and is splitting his time between the Childrens' and the MGH. He has been one of the journeymen on the service and we greatly appreciate his many contributions to the educational program. Dr. Gebhardt was recently elected President of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society. Pediatric Orthopaedic Service Children with musculoskeletal problems comprise an important part of the patient population at the MGH Department of Orthopaedics. With the establishment of the new Massachusetts General Hospital for Children in January, 2000, the service will be called upon to provide further leader-ship in the area of pediatric orthopaedic care. With the Department of Orthopaedics, The MassGeneral Hospital for Children is dedicated to providing outstanding personalized, developmentally appropriate care for infants, children and adolescents within the context of their family and community. The pediatric orthopaedic service continues to work creatively with services throughout the Partners system including the Shriners Hospital for Children and other community settings. The academic and educational elements of the service are high priority for Dr. David Zaleske and Dr. Keith Mankin. We anticipate having a new faculty member by fall, 2000. Podiatric Service The MGH podiatric unit is led by Dr. Robert Scardina and emphasizes a continuum of care for the podiatric patient with attention to quality and cost efficiency. The podiatric service at MGH has worked closely with the Orthopaedic Department for nearly two decades and is nationally recognized as a highly collaborative service between podiatric and orthopaedic foot and ankle specialists on all levels. This service also has an aggressive outreach program with numerous sites around the region. The clinical staff includes medical assistants, an orthotic technician/orthotist, as well as a variety of subspecialty practitioners. The development of subspecialty clinics for high-risk foot conditions like diabetes and women's foot care are underway. The podiatric residency review committee recently reviewed both MGH programs and both have again been fully accredited. Sports Service The sports service at MGH continues to achieve national and international recognition for excellence in patient care education and research. The program is under the leadership of Dr. Bert Zarins who has a longstanding history as an out-standing sports medicine physician. His association the New England Patriots Football Organization, the Boston Bruins Hockey Club, as well as local collegiate and high school athletic programs has been an exemplary model utilized in other centers throughout the U.S. In addition to excellence in patient care, the service relies upon clinical studies, basic and applied research, as well as an arthroscopy learning lab directed by Dr. Dinesh Patel. Most recently, Tom Gill, whose clinical service is booming, has received an OREF award for work to be conducted on ligamentous injuries about the knee. In addition, the fellowship program will be expanding to accommo-date the growing needs of the service. Spine Center The goal of the spine center is to offer the highest quality patient care that is enhanced by a combination of trained spinal physicians, physiatrists, and physical therapists. Our new spine center opened in May of 1999 and has the support of a newly organized academic service. The spine center is staffed by Dr. Frank Pedlow, Dr. Fred Mansfield and Dr. James Sarni. We recently hired Dr. Sarni, a physiatrist with an interest in spinal disorders, to help with the incredible patient vol-ume. The spine center is committed to offering timely evaluations and treatment of all spinal disorders. This includes one of the largest spine tumor practices in the New England area. With the existing laboratories at the MGH, and the new robotics laboratory, the spine center will be able to investigate newer technologies and techniques for the treatment of spinal disorders. As a result of last year's retirement of Dr. Boyd and the recent retirement of Dr. Pierce, strategic recruitment will be underway to add further depth to the service in the fall of 2000. Trauma Service The orthopaedic trauma service at the MGH cares for patients with acute musculoskeletal injuries and their short and long term sequellae. The service interacts closely with other important divisions at the MGH to provide complete care for the patient with musculoskeletal injuries. This Partners-wide service, under the direction of Dr. Mark Vrahas, will afford unique opportunities to expand the spectrum of care for our patients. In close collaboration with Dr. David Lhowe, MGH Service Chief, and through and extensive outreach program, the service has positioned itself as the premier trauma service in the New England area. The newly established morning report has been a great success and gives the residents and staff an opportunity to evaluate all of the cases from the prior day as well as all post-operative films. A thorough discussion of complications and treatment alternatives are the foundation of this important daily conference. In addition, an expanded focus will be placed on clinical research as the service expands. The chief residents at the MGH have been integrated into this attending run trauma service and work closely with the fellows and other staff orthopaedists. |
HOJ HOME | Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency
| The Children's Hospital |
Update |
As a result of
the addition of new scientists and several new grants, the faculty and staff
of the research laboratories have begun a reorganization of the MGH research
laboratories. It was a pleasure to review the ongoing and new activities
that have resulted as a result of the new biomaterials laboratory, knee
kinematics laboratory at the MGH, and the joint kinematics laboratory at
Beth Israel Deaconess research site. Once again, the scientists and laboratories
were extremely well rep-resented at the orthopaedic research society with
numerous podium and poster presentations. Dr. Stephen Trippel, Program Chairman,
and I, Treasurer, have been quite active on the board of the Orthopaedic
Research Society. We look for-ward to further participation from other members
in the labo-ratories. Finally, the monthly MGH laboratory lecture series,
held in the Clinics Amphitheatre has been a great success. Recent speakers
have included Chris Evans, Ph.D., Myron Spector, Ph.D., Tom Einhorn, M.D.,
and others. |
and Innovative Technologies Laboratory |
Biomaterials research
complements the studies being per-formed in the Orthopaedic Biomechanics
Laboratory and is an integral part of the efforts on Jackson 11. Dr. Arun
Shanbhag directs the research conducted in this laboratory and utilizes
a multidisciplinary approach to investigate implant problems. The laboratory
focuses on compre-hensive investigations of osteolysis around total joint
replacements utilizing cel-lular and molecular biological techniques. The
more recent interest in gene arrays has provided one of the first reports
on the gene activation that occurs in cells after exposure to par-ticulate
debris. This laboratory will continue to pro-vide unique opportunities for
scientists, residents, fellows, and staff. Congratulations go to Dr. Shanbhag,
the recent recipient of an R01 grant. |
Biomotion Laboratory Researchers in the Biomotion Laboratory explore the mechanical and neural constraints of human locomotion. They quantify functional outcomes of clinical interventions (surgical, medical and rehabilitation) and develop precise methods that quantify joint and whole body movement. In collaboration with the Department of Orthopaedics, the laboratory developed an in vivo model of acetabular geometry and wear patterns based on pressure measurements from a subject with an instrumented femoral arthroplasty. They also developed MRI techniques that accurately reconstruct anatomically cor-rect 3D acetabular cartilage thickness. In the past year they have published 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals and filed three US patents. The lab is directed by Dr. David Krebs. |
Knee Biomechanics and Biomaterials Laboratory The Knee Biomechanics and Biomaterials Laboratory is proceeding with investigations of component wear after total knee arthroplasty, the effects of component alignment on implant wear, and ligamentous injury and reconstruction. Through a multidisciplinary approach including finite element analysis, computerized modeling, biomechanics research and knee wear simulators, the laboratory expects to provide a new comprehensive view of total knee arthroplasty. With the addi-tion of highly cross-linked polyethylene materials, and modified knee designs, investigators in the laboratory will be better able to understand the complex interactions between the tibial-femoral joint, patellofemoral joint, and the overall effects of alignment and rotation on knee function and wear. In addition, a newly expanded area of the high flexion knee and minimally invasive surgical techniques will be areas of increased activity in the upcoming year. This laboratory draws upon the expertise of existing members of the orthopaedic biomechanics and bioma-terials laboratory, as well as new scientists to be added in the future. The Joint Kinematics Laboratory is directed by Dr. Guoan Li. Dr. Li and Dr. Tom Gill recently received and OREF grant for investigations of knee kinematics. Congratulations! |
Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratory The Orthopaedic Biomechanics
and Biomaterials Laboratory, led by Dr. William Harris, has developed
many significant contributions in the world of total joint arthroplasty.
They have been responsible for pioneering work in cement technique, instrumentation
for total joint arthroplasty, revi-sion total hip arthroplasty techniques,
implant design, and a new highly New additions to the laboratory include Xunhua Yuan, Ph.D., who will be leading the roentgen photogrammetric analysis which will be utilized to analyze wear in vivo. In addi-tion, Dr. Orhun Muratoglu, Chair of the MGH Laboratory Executive Committee, continues to contribute greatly in the area of biomaterials and is currently investigating the use of the new cross-linked polyethylene in the reconstruction of other joints. Dan O'Connor, Charlie Bragdson, Edie Weinberg and other members of the laboratory should be congratulated for the tremendous contributions to the 2000 meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in Orlando. Orthopaedic Biology and Oncology Laboratories The orthopaedic biology and oncology laboratories have had a great interest in normal articular cartilage and its response to injury and the development of osteoarthritis for many years. This laboratory is heavily funded with four NIH research grants and one training grant. The investigators are currently studying aspects of synthetic activity and cytokine release. In addition, the potential initiators of the osteoarthrit-ic response are being investigated by Drs. Towle, Mankin, and co-workers. This work includes an array of technology, mostly biologic, but studies the effects of cell regulation and apoptotic activity. A new laboratory has opened to support the research efforts of Dr. Lawrence Weissbach and Dr. Fran Hornicek on Jackson 11. This laboratory's major focus will be to assess the role of antiangiogenic and antitumorogenic materials on tumor cells. The investigators are studying p-glyco-protein in sarcoma as well as an array of molecular materials that may be important in the malignant behavior of chon-drosarcomas. I will have more to report on this new laborato-ry in 2001. A new faculty member, Dr. Teresa Morales, is continuing her important work that investigates the growth factor regula-tion of osteoarthritic cartilage. Dr. Morales' research is sup-23 ported by the National Institutes on Aging and the Arthritis Foundation. Dr. Morales' laboratory has also received pilot funding from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), and the Center for Biomedical Engineering at MIT. These pilot grants will investigate the possibility of engineering chondrocyte migration as a potential method for repairing cartilage, and in collaboration with researchers at MIT. Dr. Morales was also recently named Chair of the Cell Biology Study Section of the National Arthritis Foundation. |
HOJ HOME | Chiefs Reports | Osgood Day | Scientific Articles | Alumni Association |
FREDERICK AND JOAN BRENGEL LEARNING CENTER As a result of the generosity of the Fred E. and Joan Brengel family, we have recently opened a new resource center on White 6. The Center includes the beautifully renovated Smith-Peterson Library, the newly configured Smith Room, and an orthopaedic conference facility. The library has been greatly expanded and will include, in addition to the current books, all of those from the libraries of Dr. Herndon, as well as my own extensive personal library. This will bring our library up to a level unsurpassed in the past. In addition, the Smith Room has been completely renovated to include five resident workstations (including computers and additional multimedia equipment) for educational activities, a place for a new librarian, as well as a newly renovated solarium and reading area. This will be the center of the resident learning experience and will decrease the utilization of the library for other purposes. The newly created conference room includes the state-of-the-art in projection and other materials and will serve well for staff, resident, educational, as well as other office meetings.
A friend and colleague, Dr. Chris Evans, recently joined the Harvard orthopaedic community. Through Chris' innovation and planning, we will house a new Center for Molecular Orthopaedics in the Partners Orthopaedics Department and the Harvard Combined Residency Program. Chris is a dynamic individual who will flourish in this new environment. We look forward to his future recruitment for the MGH laboratories. On a personal note, my wife Kimberly and I have been able to mold the uncertainties and challenges of a new home, new school, new friends and new region into a positive family expe-rience. The move has greatly strengthened our family ties and dependence upon one another. Fortunately, the Boston area provides incredible opportunities. |
Finally, I look forward to seeing many of you at annual alumni events including the alumni banquet and the golf outing. Sincerely, Harry Rubash, M.D. |
HOJ HOME | Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency
| The Children's Hospital |
MGH Fellows 2000 |
Adult Reconstruction Gavan Duffy, M.D.
Daniel P Hoeffel,
Hand Fellows William Workman,
M.D. |
Service Dr. Colen will return to this hometown of Detroit, Michigan to practice orthopedic trauma. Tumor
Fellows Sam Sami, M.D. David Gazzaniga,
MD |
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital |
Clinical Faculty General
Orthopaedics James Heckman, MD*; Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School. Podiatry Adult
Reconstruction Service
James Sarni*, MD; Donald Pierce, MD; Instructor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School |
Medicine Orthopaedics Steven Ghivissani;
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School Guoan Li, PhD;
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School Christine Towle, Ph.D; Lecturer in Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School Lawrence Weissbach,
PhD; Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School |
HOJ HOME | Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency
| The Children's Hospital |