The Orthopaedic Journal at the Harvard Medical School
provides a wonderful forum to celebrate on an annual basis
our Department's many achievements and successes, and to
highlight new additions to our program. Most importantly
the Journal provides us with an opportunity to give you our
reader a sense of the Department's commitment to education,
research and clinical care. My fifth annual Chief's Report will
highlight many of the successes and contributions of the orthopaedic
staff at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
I would like to start my report by briefly reflecting on
the history of the Orthopaedic Department at the MGH.
Dr. Joel Goldthwait founded the Orthopaedic Service at the
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in 1899 and served
as the first Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery until 1909. Other
luminaries in orthopaedic surgery have headed the Department
over the years, including Drs. Elliot Bracket (1911-1918),
Robert Bailey Osgood (1919-1922), Marius Smith-Petersen
(1929-1946), Melvin Glimcher (1965-1970), and Henry Mankin
(1972-1996). Each of these individuals added significantly to
the treatment of orthopaedic disorders, to the education of
orthopaedic residents, to national associations of orthopaedic
surgery, and to the basic science of many orthopaedic diseases.
Many great orthopaedic surgeons have graced the halls of the
MGH and their legacy is reflected in the work we continue
today. As a Department, we continue to take tremendous pride
in providing our patients with the highest quality of orthopaedic
care and in training orthopaedic surgeons who contribute
to both basic and translational research.
New Clinical Faculty |
It is a great pleasure to welcome Maurice Albright, MD,
to the Pediatric Orthopaedic Service. Dr. Albright will complement
the fine work that Brian Grottkau, MD, Chief of the
Pediatric Orthopaedic Service, is doing to develop a patient
and family friendly focused Pediatric Orthopaedic Service at
the MGH. Dr. Albright is a graduate of Harvard College and the
University of Michigan Medical School. He completed his orthopaedic
residency at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (another
Pittsburgh guy) and was a pediatric orthopaedic surgery fellow at the
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital and at the Children's Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Albright says, "I thank God, my parents, sisters, teachers, and
mentors for helping me dream an impossible dream--a pediatric patient
goes on to become a doctor and returns to his hospital as an attending
surgeon. There is nowhere I'd rather be than at the Department of
Orthopaedic Surgery and Mass General Hospital for Children." I look
forward to many contributions from Dr. Albright.
I am also happy to announce that Thomas Holovacs, MD, has
joined the Department in the Sports/Shoulder Services. Dr.
Holovacs received his undergraduate degree from the University of
Pennsylvania. While at Penn, he was a 4-year letterman and captain
of the men's varsity swim team. He earned his medical degree from the
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University. Dr. Holovacs
completed his orthopaedic surgery residency at Duke University Medical
Center. While at Duke he was an Assistant Resident Team Physician for
all the athletic teams, including the 2001 NCAA National Men's
Basketball Championship Team. After residency, Dr. Holovacs
developed additional expertise in shoulder/sports medicine surgery
as an Intercontinental Shoulder Fellow. During this time,
he spent 6 months on the Harvard Shoulder Service with Dr.
Jon J.P. Warner and 6 months at the University of Zurich. We
welcome Dr. Holovacs and his family to the MGH community,
wife, Karrie; daughter, Terra (age 13 years); puppy, Mocha,
(8 months); cat, Maddie (14 years) and Digger, the turtle (4 years).
I'm also pleased to announce that Kevin Raskin, MD, currently
a fellow at the MGH in the Orthopaedic Oncology Service will
be joining the MGOA practice in September. Kevin is originally from
California and attended UC Santa Barbara. Following college, he spent
two years working on BMP research with Marshall R. Urist at the UCLA
Bone Research Laboratory. Kevin trained at the Tel Aviv University,
Sackler Faculty of Medicine and returned to complete his Internship
and Residency at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore
Medical Center. Kevin is an outstanding surgeon and will be a fine
addition to the Orthopaedic Oncology Service. Dr. Francis Hornicek,
Chief of the Orthopaedic Oncology Service reports, "we are pleased
Kevin Raskin will be joining our Service in the fall after the
completion of his fellowship. Kevin brings to the team demonstrated
skills and will be an integral member of our practice."
Please join me in welcoming Kevin to the Department.
Announcements |
In December 2003, Dr. James Herndon, my friend, colleague,
mentor, and Chairman of the Partners HealthCare
Department of Orthopaedics will step down from his surgical
and administration duties at Partners. Jim has had a distinguished
career as a surgeon, educator and leader in the field
of orthopaedics. He was recently elected President of the
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and is the
first incumbent of the William H. and Johanna A. Harris Chair
in Orthopaedic Surgery at the MGH.
Over the last five years Dr. Herndon has helped guide
the Department into one of the finest clinical, academic and
research programs in the country. While, Dr. Herndon is relinquishing
some of his administrative duties on the institutional
level, he will continue his active involvement in medical education
and training as the Program Director of the Harvard
Combined Orthopaedic Residency. I look forward to his many
additional contributions to the residency program.
It is a great pleasure to announce the opening of the new
Bioengineering (Robotics) Laboratory under the direction of
Dr. Guoan Li in the greatly expanded orthopedic space on
Jackson 12. The Lab has three major research groups: The
Arthroplasty Research Group, works closely with members
of the Adult Reconstruction (Arthroplasty) Service, including
myself, Andrew Freiberg, MD, Orhun Muratoglu, PhD, and
William H. Harris, MD. The Human Forearm Biomechanics
Research Group collaborates with David Ring, MD, and James
Herndon, MD, MBA, and The Sports Medicine Research Group
works closely with Thomas Gill, MD.
In other important news, Andrew Hecht, MD, Director
MGH Spine Surgery Fellowship left the Department in late
spring. Dr. Hecht moved to Mt. Sinai Hospital (New York)
as Chief of the Orthopaedic Spine Service. Dr. Hecht was an
integral part of the MGH Orthopaedic Spine Center and was
co-director along with Joanne Borg-Stein, MD of the comprehensive
center for spine care there. We all wish him the best in
his new role of Spine Service Chief at Mt. Sinai Hospital.
The institution will be undergoing some major organizational
changes this year. Recently, Dr. Samuel Thier, retired
as Partners CEO and Dr. James Mongan, has assumed this
position. Dr. Peter Slavin has moved from his position in the
Physicians Organization to the CEO of the MGH and Dr. David
Torchiana, Chief of Cardiac Surgery, will become the President
of the Mass General Physicians Organization (MGPO).
Harvard Department Review |
In February, Harvard Medical School under the direction
of Joseph B. Martin, MD, PhD, Dean of the Harvard University
Faculty of Medicine, conducted a comprehensive review of
the research, education and clinical care provided by our
Department. The review process, which is done every five-years
by the Medical School was conducted by an external review
committee comprised of leaders in the field of orthopaedic
surgery including, Richard Gelberman, MD, Fred C. Reynolds
Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Washington University School of Medicine; Gary Friedlaender,
MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Orthopaedics and
Rehabilitation, Yale University School of Medicine; Frank
Frassica, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Johns's Hopkins University; and Ex-Offico Member of
the Review Committee, Raphael Dolin, MD, Maxwell Finland
Professor and Dean, Clinical Programs, Harvard Medical
In preparation for this important review the Department
was asked to provide a comprehensive and in-depth detailed
written account of the activities throughout the Department
over the last five-years. An 800 plus page document resulted.
The materials generated provide a valuable look at the growth,
development and progresses of the Department over the last
five-years. I would like to thank the Service Chiefs, Fellowship
and Laboratory Directors for their assistance with providing
written materials for this important project.
The external review committee's charge was to produce a
written report by the conclusion of the review proceedings to
identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Department and
to provide specific recommendations for improvements. I will
report on these findings next year in my Chief's Report.
Yawkey Abulatory Center |
Construction continues at the site of the new state-ofthe
art Yawkey Ambulatory Care Center on the front of the
main campus. The Center will consist of approximately
420,000 square feet and will house a new Cancer Center, the
Women's Center and the Cardiac Center for the MGH. A new
Musculosketal Institute will occupy 44,000 square feet in the
building and will include: a centralized Radiology Service,
expanded waiting areas, procedure rooms, team rooms and
offices for our practitioners. Our clinical space will increase
from 16,000 square feet at five different locations to approximately
32,000 in the new building. The new ambulatory building
will provide an exciting opportunity to consolidate the
MGH Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in one contiguous
geographic location, and will enable us to provide high quality
orthopaedic services more efficiently and effectively. The
Musculoskeletal Institute will launch a new era in advancing
Orthopaedic Surgery at the MGH, with expected occupancy in
the fall of 2004.
Administration |
Mr. David Gaynor joined our practice in 1999 as the
Administrative Director of the Orthopaedic Service and he continues
to be an absolutely invaluable asset to the Department.
Mr. Gaynor works closely with the Department, to grow our
practices, and plan strategic development. He has worked diligently
to help us plan and develop the new areas in the Yawkey
Ambulatory Center. Mr. Gaynor has assembled a highly skilled
administrative team to meet the needs of our growing practices.
We all value his many contributions.
Lauren Ellis, our new Department Administrative Manager,
continues to develop and enhance the financial management
of the Department and has operating responsibilities for
Orthopaedic Oncology, Arthroplasty, the MGH Orthopaedic
Spine Center and Pediatric Orthopaedics. She has done an
outstanding job in improving service, efficiency and satisfaction
in her Divisions. We are pleased to have Lauren as a
member of our Department and look forward to her continued
We are sad to announce the resignation of Tom Amerault
Director of the Orthopaedic Billing Office. Tom decided to
take a job at Brockton Hospital which is in close proximity to
his home. Tom did a wonderful job over the past two and a
half years. We are pleased however, to have recently hired a
new Director for the Orthopaedic Billing Office, Louise Borda.
Louise comes to us from the Joslin Diabetes Center. She has
over 16 years of billing experience including Mount Auburn
HealthCare, and the Brigham/Beth Israel Medical Group.
Orthopaedic Practice at the MGH |
In 2002, the Mass General Orthopaedic Associates saw
47,000 outpatients, admitted 3,500 patients and performed
8,700 surgeries. There has been consistent growth in all of the
practices. The Department has seen an increase in volume of
over 22% since 1998. The Orthopaedic Service now includes
80 clinical faculty members, with 36 members of the MGOA
(the full-time academic group), 15 members of the geographic
full-time group (private practice) plus eight podiatrists and
two physiatrists. We are currently recruiting for an additional
member of the faculty to join the Foot and Ankle Service and
are searching for a new Service Chief for the Orthopaedic Spine
News From The Operating Room |
Improvements to Operating Room efficiency have taken
place over the last year. Jim O'Connell, Orthopaedic Systems
Manager, has adapted the specific equipment lists for each of
the orthopaedic subspecialties to electronic documents. The idea
behind this is to create a system of On-line Equipment Lists whereby
the electronic form maybe completed and sent via email directly
to the Orthopaedic Equipment Managers. This allows for direct
contact between physicians' offices and the OR personnel who are
responsible for assembling the case specific surgical supplies
and equipment. All of our services went online in the spring.
Longitudinal Medical Record |
The Orthopaedic Associates was the first specialty practice
at the MGH to utilize the Hospital's new on-line Longitudinal
Medical Record (LMR). The LMR is an on-line computer basedsystem
that organizes the patient record so that it is easier to
locate patient information in the record. The LMR is available
to all physicians involved in the care and treatment of the
patient. Lauren Ellis has been instrumental in coordinating this
new initiative and has worked closely with Jim O'Connell on
the implementation of this new program. We are pleased to
report that a high percentage of attendings have been utilizing
the LMR and it has become an important tool in the management
of patients' orthopaedic care. Congratulations to Lauren,
Jim and the Hospital's LMR Team in getting this new and very
functional program into the practices.
Access Program |
We have been working to further improve the referral process
for referring providers and their patients seeking appointments
with orthopaedic. The Partners Department Access
Program, established in 1999, has undergone further improvements
over the last year to assist primary care physicians in the identification
of the most appropriate specialists, to facilitate scheduling appointments
and to ensure prompt and thorough communication. The key
to this program was in the hiring of Access Facilitator, John James, RN,
an advanced practice nurse. John is immediately available for clinical
consultation, assistance with referral, or transfer. The cellular
phone number of the Orthopaedic Access Phone or "Bone
Phone" (617) 584-BONE (2663) is known throughout the institution.
In 2002, over 1,000 referrals were placed to the physicians
in the Orthopaedic Department. The Access Program has
been highly successful and has grown immensely. Thank you John!
Website |
The Department's interactive webpages: http://
www.massgeneral.org/ortho/ have been greatly expanded over
the last year. Each of the eleven clinical divisions within the
Department and the MGH Bone Bank now all have their own
distinctive interactive websites. Many of the clinical divisions
now include online Appointment Request and Patient Referral
forms. The Bone Bank has an online Allograft Request form
available as well as a listing of tissues available. The Trauma
Service has even added an electronic version of their new publication,
"A Patient Guide to Orthopaedic Trauma Care at the
MGH, Expert Care for Trauma Patients." The Sports Medicine
Service site has a section dedicated to information about common
sports injuries, including information on frequently asked
questions, causation, and treatments. Websites have now also
been created for the eight Orthopaedic Research Laboratories
within the Department. Many improvements are planned
for the webpages, which are continuously updated to reflect
changes in the Department. Please take a moment to visit the
Service Updates |
Adult Reconstructive (Arthroplasty) Service |
The Adult Reconstructive (Arthroplasty) Service had
another outstanding year. Andrew Freiberg, MD, is doing a
wonderful job as the leader of the Service. He continues to
pursue his interest in unicompartimental knee arthroplasty
and in the near future, we will be beginning a program on the
Service to explore minimally invasive hip arthroplasty as well as
additional navigational controls. These new techniques involve
modifications of current surgical approaches for hip arthroplasty,
total knee arthroplasty, unicompartimental replacements
and endoprosthesis for femoral neck fractures. Dr. Freiberg
and I are also planning a major initiative in developing the
"Orthopaedic Operating Room of the Future."
Clinically, it was a productive year for the Service, with over
3300 patient visits, over 1000 admissions and more than 1300
procedures performed. Our new multi-disciplinary conference
run in conjunction with the Orthopaedic Oncology Service,
"CAOS" (Combined Arthroplasty Oncology Service Rounds) has
added greatly to our capabilities in treating some of our patients
with difficult implant and allograft requirements.
The Arthroplasty Service is utilizing a new Intranet computer
collection system for hip and knee arthroplasty patients
called Patient View (PV). A computer workstation of five interactive
screens is housed on Jackson 11. Operative records,
discharge summaries, clinical notes, and digital radiographs
are updated at each patient encounter with minimal effort
by the attending surgeon. The IRB approved database may
be queried by approved staff, for both clinical and research
purposes. PV has revolutionized the collection, organization,
and maintenance of data; facilitated the production of clinical
studies; and may serve as a model for the national total joint
registry. This outstanding registry will be the foundation for
our clinical studies for years to come. We all thank Dr. William
Harris and the team: Dennis Gillis; Sara Jane Wessinger, RN;
Janet Dorrwachter; David Merrill and Rob Condon for creating
this treasure.
The Arthroplasty Service is a proud host to many international
visitors. Clinical and research fellows come to the MGH
to observe patient care in the clinics, operating room and to
participate in the Orthopaedic Research Laboratories. During
the past year Sang Eun Park, MD, a post-doctorate research
fellow from Korea, has been focusing his efforts on the understanding
of PCL reconstruction and knee arthroplasty. Other
recent visitors include Koichiro Hayata, MD, Kui-Chou Huang,
MD, Nam Wook Kang, MD, Carmine DelGaizo, MD, and Jae-Doo
Yoo, MD.
This past year's 32nd annual Harvard Arthroplasty Course
was one of our very best. The meeting again took place at
the Hyatt Regency, Cambridge and was entitled, "Advances in
Hip & Knee Arthroplasty - A New Era of Minimally Invasive
Techniques?" Over four hundred participated in the fourday
event. The print syllabus was accompanied this year by
an interactive CD ROM that contained all course materials.
The new format was well received and greatly appreciated
by all. This year's Partners course undertaking will include
expanded local and national faculty as well as international
leaders in the field from Japan, Korea, Canada and South
America. The course will also again include the very popular
live surgeries, mini-debates and a new meet the professors
sections. For more information and registration for the 2003
course, "Advances in Arthroplasty: New Technologies, New
Techniques," September 17-20, 2003 please visit the Harvard
Medical School Department of Continuing Medical Education
at http://cme.med.harvard.edu/.
On the research front this has also been an extremely
productive year for the Service. Members of the Adult
Reconstructive Service spoke once again at this year's AAOS
and ORS meetings with a record number of presentations.
I am delighted to report that our research group was
awarded The John Charnley Award for our work on the "Efficacy
of BMP-2 to Induce Bone Ingrowth in Gap and Nongap Regions
of a THR Model." The authors on the paper were Charles R.
Bragdon, BS, Arin M. Doherty, BS, Harry E. Rubash, MD, Murali
Jasty, MD, X. Jian Li, MD, Howard Seeherman, PhD, VMD and
William H. Harris, MD. Charlie Bragdon commented, "It was
a great honor and pleasure to have our work recognized by the
Hip Society and to represent our research group at the Annual
Meeting". Dr. Freiberg stated, "This landmark study demonstrated
that BMP- 2 can be used to fill critical sized gaps in an
acetabular revision model. This research program is an example
of translational research in that basic science/molecular biology
will have clinical application in the management of patients
who require complex total hip arthroplasty." This is Dr. Harris'
9th Specialty Society Award and Dr. Rubash's 5th Award.
I am also delighted to announce the recent publication of
my new text, "The Adult Knee," which was edited with Drs.
John J. Callaghan, Aaron G. Rosenberg, Peter T. Simonian,
and Thomas L. Wickiewicz. This two-volume set published
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, joins our 1997 "The Adult
Hip." The 117-chapter text, written by the foremost experts
in the field, is a comprehensive reference for the evaluation and
surgical management of problems plaguing the adult knee. Dr.
Freiberg recently commented that, "our residents, fellows and
colleagues will benefit from this outstanding reference."
Foot and Ankle Service |
The Foot and Ankle Service continues to grow and provide
comprehensive care to patients from the MGH community and
the greater Boston area. Dr. George Theodore, Chief of the
Service reports, "There is particular emphasis on the correction
of acquired deformities, post-traumatic reconstructions,
treatment of sports injuries of the foot and ankle, and complex
tendon transfers and osteotomies. The Service is a national
leader in the treatment of heel pain or plantar fasciitis." The
physicians in the Service employ both conservative and operative
forms of treatment. Non-operative care may include custom
orthotics, physical therapy, casting, and therapeutic injections.
We are actively recruiting an additional foot and ankle
surgeon to supplement and extend the existing capabilities of
this Service. Resident training remains an important function
of the Foot and Ankle Service, and we are looking into the
addition of a fellow to the Service to assist in the initiation of
prospective studies to examine the treatment of injuries of the
foot and ankle.
Podiatric Unit |
The Podiatric Unit at the MGH is nationally recognized
for clinical care and post-graduate education. The Director
of Podiatric education and the Chief of the Service, Dr. Robert
Scardina is actively involved in the national arena in podiatric
surgery residency training and has had 4 new Orthopaedic subspecialty
rotations added to the PGY I year of podiatry residency,
including Oncology, Sports Medicine, Pediatrics and Foot and
Ankle. Dr. Scardina reports, "as we initiate implementation of
the new national models for Podiatric Post-Graduate education
in July 2003, our Residency Program will undergo a restructuring,
with enhancements in scope, levels, and eventual duration
of clinical and academic training and experiences."
The Service is comprised of 8 active members, 1 clinical
consultant, 3 non-clinical consultants, 1 Orthotic Technician
and 2 residents. Podiatric clinical subspecialties include, "high
risk" (diabetic/ neuropathic/ dysvascular) foot management,
reconstructive foot surgery, as well as general foot care. The
Service has also implemented a weekly "emergency" session on
the main campus over the last year. This session has proven to
be very successful, addressing more urgent referrals from: MGH
PCP's, the Orthopaedic Access Office, Development Office,
International Office and the Executive Registry. Dr. Scardina
commented, "As a group, we remain committed to excellence
in patient care within the MGH medical community and look
forward to opportunities to expand our practice and services in
the new Yawkey Center."
Dr. Scardina is active on the local and national podiatry
front. He was recently elected to the Board of Trustees of the
Massachusetts Podiatic Medical Society and maintains Field
Faculty teaching appointments at six of the seven Colleges of
Podiatric Medicine in the United States.
Hand and Upper Extremity Service |
The Hand and Upper Extremity Service led by Service Chief, Jesse B.
Jupiter, MD, is one of the busiest services in the Department. The Service
saw meteoric rise in 2002 with 13,300 outpatient visits and 1,700 operative
procedures. Fortunately, there is a close collaboration between the
Hand and Upper Extremity Service, Trauma Service, and the Pediatric
Orthopaedic Service in the evaluation and treatment of patients with
injuries and disorders of the hand and upper extremity. The Service
enjoys a steady stream of national and international visitors, which
helps to maintain its active academic interchange. Academically the
Service hosted over 20 visiting scholars from countries including
Spain, Columbia, Argentina, Korea, Turkey, Israel, Germany,
Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, Belgium and China.
Over the last year the faculty of the Hand Service had 9
peer review publications, 7 analytic reviews, 9 book chapters, 2
textbooks, 53 national and international presentations and 25
posters. The tremendous success of this Service can be attributed
in part to the many fellows, residents, medical students,
pre-medical students, as well as summer preceptors who have
been involved in the important research endeavors of this
Service. We are actively recruiting a new faculty member to
join this vibrant group of individuals.
Annually the Hand Service hosts the Richard J. Smith
Lectureship. This academic program is dedicated to the late
Dr. Richard J. Smith who founded the Hand Service in 1972
and MGH's Hand Surgery Fellowship Program two years later.
Dr. Thomas Trumble will be the 13th annual Richard J. Smith
lecturer this year.
In the spring of 2003, the Department and the Hand and Upper
Extremity Service celebrated the formation of the Hansjörg Wyss AO
Professorship in Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery with ceremonies at Harvard
Medical School and the MGH. I will report on this important event in my
chief's corner next year. The first recipient of this Harvard Chair is Dr.
Jesse B. Jupiter. Dr. Jupiter is highly deserving of this outstanding
honor. Dr. Jupiter has built a renowned center for the reconstruction of
post-traumatic problems of the wrist and elbow, as well as microsurgical
reconstructions of the extremities. Congratulations to Dr. Jupiter!
Harvard Shoulder Service |
The Harvard Shoulder Service directed by Service Chief,
Jon J.P. Warner, MD, is a prolific clinical service as well as an
internationally renowned education center. The Shoulder
Service has seen a significant increase in its clinical volume
and has nearly doubled in size over the past five-years.
As announced in the new clinical faculty section, Thomas
Holovacs, MD, a recent graduate of the Harvard International
Shoulder Fellowship, was hired this past year as a member of
the MGOA Group and works with both the Harvard Shoulder
and Sports Medicine Services. His clinical interests run the
entire spectrum of shoulder and sports medicine ailments, with
particular expertise in complicated and revision shoulder surgery.
Dr. Warner recently commented, "The Harvard Shoulder
Service has grown into a major section of the Orthopaedic
Department. Dr. Thomas Holovacs joined us this year and
also is part of the Sports Medicine Service at MGH. Together,
myself, Drs. Gill, Millett, and Holovacs have performed over
1000 shoulder surgeries this year."
Dr. Warner's highly sought after Transcontinental Shoulder
Fellowship began in 1999. Since that time he has several outstanding
scholars participate in this program. This program
partners the MGH with the Balgrist Hospital and the University
of Zurich in Switzerland.
Later this year we plan to open a new Shoulder Laboratory
on Jackson 12. We are in the process of recruiting a PhD bioengineer
to direct this important new facility. Dr. Warner, reports
that "ongoing research projects include three-dimensional
anatomy of the shoulder for reconstruction of arthritis and fractures,
cost analysis of instability surgery, and prospective study
of shoulder reconstructive techniques." Dr. Warner's sincere
interest in translational as well as basic research around the
shoulder combined with the numerous clinical opportunities
afforded by this Service will make the new Shoulder Laboratory
one of the hallmarks of the Department.
Orthopaedic Oncology Service |
The Orthopaedic Oncology Service at the MGH continues
to grow and prosper under its new Service Chief, Francis
Hornicek, MD, PhD. This Service continues to be one of the
busiest in patient units at the institution and deals with the
most difficult problems surrounding bone and soft tissues
tumors in patients. The Orthopaedic Oncology Service has
seen an increase in visits of approximately 25% over the past
5 years and admissions and surgeries continue to grow in a
similar fashion. Mark Gebhardt, MD, continues to split his time
between the MGH Unit and Children's. Dr. Mankin is directing
his time toward research activities in his new location on
Jackson 11. Dr. Hornicek, reports, "The Orthopaedic Oncology
Service serves an important role not only in the Northeast but
in the United States as a premier orthopaedic oncology service.
The program is now the largest sarcoma treatment group in
New England and is one of the largest in the world."
The Connective Tissue Oncology Clinic (CTOC) is a collaborative
effort between the Service and the MGH Cancer
Center. The CTOC includes Medical and Radiation Oncologists,
Radiologists, Bone Pathologists and other integral medical
personnel to provide the optimum continuum of care for our
patients. In 2001 over 1200 new patients with both benign and
malignant bone tumors were seen by the CTOC. Dr. Hornicek
reports, "Our mission includes: providing optimum clinical
care, educating residents, fellows, and other health care professionals,
and performing basic and translation tumor research."
As announced in the New Clinical Faculty section of this
report, Fellow, Kevin Raskin, MD, was recently hired to join the
Orthopaedic Oncology Service in the fall. Kevin commented
recently, "my interest in orthopaedic oncology grew out of a
love for caring for people whose diseases place their lives precariously
on an edge. Meeting them at that edge and gradually
escorting them back to their future, so to speak, is the challenge
and call to treating patients with cancer." We are pleased to have
Kevin as part of this important Service.
In addition, the Orthopaedic Oncology Group actively participates
in the maintenance of the MGH Bone Bank; headed
by Dr. William Tomford. Dr. Hornicek, reports, "our unit has
performed the world's largest series of 1100 such allograft
transplants. The fellows spend time acquiring bone allografts,
selecting appropriate connective tissue grafts, and transplanting
them into patients."
The recently opened Sarcoma Molecular Biology
Laboratory on Jackson 11 provides ample opportunity for Dr.
Hornicek to continue to develop his basic science expertise.
Along with Lawrence Weissbach, PhD, Dr. Hornicek continues
to explore the biological mechanisms of tumors arising in bone
and soft tissues, and to perform translational research into new
treatment options for patients afflicted with musculoskeletal
tumors. Drs. Hornicek and Weissbach are active speakers at
national and regional symposiums and conferences. Results of
their work has been published in major peer-reviewed journals
such as Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research and in
specialty journals including the Journal of Oral Maxillofacial
Surgery. The Orthopaedic Oncology Service is truly a first-rate
academic practice.
Pediatric Orthopaedic Service |
The Pediatric Orthopaedic Service is working in close
collaboration with the MassGeneral Hospital for Children
to develop and expand the specialized orthopaedic care and
treatment for MGH's youngest patients. The short-term goal
of the Service is to provide comprehensive continuous care
to the ever-growing number of pediatric patients referred to
our Department from within the Partners HealthCare System,
from the Boston Shriner's Hospital for Children and other area
institutions. This includes providing coverage to MassGeneral
Hospital for Children's Emergency Rooms at Newton Wellesley
Hospital, the North Shore Children's Hospital and establishing
satellite offices to better provide pediatric orthopaedic care in
the communities surrounding Boston. A new satellite office
will be opening in the near future at the Newton Wellesley
Hospital to begin the realization of these goals. The numbers
of visits, admissions, and surgeries on this Service have nearly
doubled over the past two years and we anticipate continued
growth. The Pediatric Orthopaedic Service works in close collaboration
with Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Medicine Service
and the MGH Health Centers to provide coordinated high quality
care for our patients.
As reported in the New Clinical Faculty section, Dr. Maurice
Albright recently joined the Service. In addition, Erin Hart,
RN, MS, CPNP, was hired as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Dr.
Brian Grottkau, Chief of Pediatric Orthopaedics, reports, "we
were lucky to attract Erin Hart, who received a nursing and
advanced practitioner degree from Boston College. Her graduate
thesis was on the role of a nurse practitioner in a pediatric
Orthopaedic sports medicine clinic. Erin worked as a floor
nurse at the MassGeneral Hospital for children and as a clinical
pediatric nurse practitioner with the Pediatric Health Associates
at Children's Hospital, Boston prior to joining us." Erin commented
recently, "I am very excited about my new role as a
nurse practitioner in the Pediatric Orthopaedic Service. Our
Service has undergone tremendous growth in the past year, and
we continue our commitment to patient and family-centered
care. In addition to clinical practice, my goals include emphasizing
patient and family education, and assisting in various
exciting research opportunities." Erin brings a great deal of
general pediatric knowledge, compassion and organizational
skills to our Department.
Sports Medicine Service |
The Sports Medicine Service under the direction of Service
Chief, Bertram Zarins, MD, and Assistant Chief, Thomas Gill,
MD, provides unique and optimal care for all levels of athletes
from recreational to elite. The Service's long-term association
with the New England Patriots, the Boston Bruins, the New
England Revolution, and the Boston Breakers as well as many
collegiate and high school teams in the area makes them
uniquely qualified as providers of care for all levels of athletes.
The Sports Medicine Service has had a tremendous increase in
clinical activities over the past five years, nearly doubling the
number of visits and surgical procedures in that time.
Recently, Arthur Boland, MD, who has been the team physician for Harvard
University for over thirty-years, decided to discontinue the surgical component
of his orthopaedic practic. He will however, continue to work at Harvard
University Health Services and with the Harvard Department of Athletics.
He will also continue to see patients in consultation at the MGH, and will continue
to participate in the resident and fellowship educational
programs. Dr. Zarins recently elaborated on Dr. Boland's new
role: "Dr. Boland has increased his commitment to education.
He has assumed the responsibility of Director of Education in
the MGH Sports Medicine Service. Dr. Boland will undertake
formalizing a curriculum for medical students, residents and
fellows as well as instituting a formal examination for these various
categories of students and physicians." Dr. Boland is also
pursuing scholarly activities in the national organizations for
sports medicine including the American Orthopaedic Society
for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) and the Herodicus Society. He
has served as President for both organizations. He will also
continue to be active with Sports Medicine Committee for the
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
The Sports Medicine Service continues its collaboration
with Guoan Li, PhD, Director of the Bioengineering Laboratory,
on the subject of biomechanics and the posterior cruciate ligament.
In addition, Mr. Mark Randolph joined the Department
to work with Dr. Thomas Gill on cartilage repair and regeneration
for the knee in the newly established Laboratory for
Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering on Jackson 11. Building
on more than ten years of tissue engineering cartilage in the
MGH Plastic Surgery Research Laboratory, they are exploring
tissue engineering approaches for meniscal and articular
surface repair. With the collaboration of Dr. Giuseppe Peretti
from Milan, a swine model for meniscal tears was developed
and treated with an engineered implant. This work should be
published later this year. New studies are underway exploring
alternative cell sources and new scaffold materials. The other
primary focus is engineering cartilage to repair articular surface
defects. Working with chemical engineering teams from
MIT and University of Colorado, new polymer carriers are
being developed and tested. Results of this research have been
recently presented at the Orthopaedic Research Society in New
Last year Dr. Zarins performed the first remote surgical
procedure using videoconferencing via satellite communication.
Dr. Zarins directed a primary care physician in the South
Pole in repairing a ruptured patellar tendon. Congratulations
to Dr. Zarins for this pioneering remote surgery.
Congratulation to the Sports Medicine Service for their
recent research awards from The National Football League's
Charities, The Center for Minimally Invasive Technology
(CIMIT Award), The Orthopaedic Research and Education
Foundation (OREF), and grants from Wyeth-Ayerst, Mitek and
the AO. In addition, Dr. Gill recently received the Arthroscopic
Association of North America's Research Award for his work on
the posterior cruciate ligament.
Orthopaedic Spine Center / Orthopaedic Spine Service |
The Orthopaedic Spine Center at the MGH is now in its
fourth year. The Center is responsible for all clinical, teaching
and research activities related to cervical, thoracic and
lumbar spine. The members of this multi-disciplinary center
work closely with Physiatrists, the MGH Pain Center, Physician
Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, John James, RN, in the Access
Program to handle approximately 8,000 outpatient visits annually.
The timely and comprehensive evaluations of this Center
offer a full-range of conversation and operative options for our
patients. Dr. Fred Mansfield reports, "the Orthopaedic Spine
Service has continued to manage a large number of patients
with a broad diversity of spine problems. A great many patients
are managed with conservative care, from medications and
physical therapy to cortisone injections and radiofrequency
median branch blocks. Surgical procedures have ranged from
straightforward disc excisions and laminiectomies to extensive
reconstructions for trauma, spine tumors and infections. "
The Center is recognized as a regional and international referral
center for complex problems of the spine including primary
and metastastic bone tumors.
Drs. James Sarni and David Karli are Physiatrists who play
an important role in the Spine Service, the Department, and
the institution. The addition of physiatry services allows us to
better address the issue of patient access to the MGH Spine
Care Programs. The physiatrists work in collaboration with
the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. Their expertise and compassion
in dealing with patients with spinal issues has improved
the quantity of care given as well as its quality.
As noted in the Announcements Section of this report,
Andrew Hecht, MD, will be become the Director of the Spine
Service at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York. Dr. Hecht will begin
his new position this summer and we are currently actively
recruiting a new academic spine surgeon to compliment the
many important activities of this Service.
Trauma Service |
The Partners Orthopaedic Trauma Service, under the
dedicated leadership of Mark Vrahas, MD, has experienced
another phenomenal year of growth and success at the MGH.
Malcolm Smith, MD, FRCS, Chief of MGH Orthopaedic Trauma
Services, has quickly assimilated into the Harvard system and
his outstanding teaching and clinical abilities have brought tremendous
additional benefit to our patients and residents. Since
the Trauma Service's officially inception in 1999, surgeries in
the area have increased approximately 30%, admissions by 35%
and outpatient visits have nearly doubled. Dr. Vrahas said of
the recent growth, "our Service continues to grow and gain
notoriety throughout New England and the rest of the county,
as indicated by our improved referral volume and ever-increasing
academic requests. We are very pleased that several of our
residents will pursue careers in trauma upon graduating from
the Residency Program."
The Trauma Service is actively involved in teaching. 5
fellows from 4 countries (Brazil, United Kingdom, Argentina,
China) have visited the Service this year, complimenting the
one full-time Orthopaedic Trauma Fellow. In August, the
Trauma Service will be increasing to two Trauma Fellows at
the MGH to continue to train individuals in this uniquely valuable
In January, Drs. Vrahas and Smith hosted the Second
Annual New England Trauma Summit at Sunday River,
Maine. This conference is highly successful and has become
a much-anticipated event. Dr. Vrahas recently commented
on the Summit, "we were fortunate to have a talented faculty
from New England and New York who facilitated stimulating
conversation and debate. The format of relatively few lectures
and extensive case discussion has been so successful that AO
North America has decided to add similar courses to its future
The Trauma continues to engage in additional translational
and basic research activities. New studies are underway
including a collaboration with MGH Oral Surgery, a pilon fracture
study, a LISS (Less Invasive Stabilization System) study
and a femur fractures and vascular injuries study.
The research database developed by the Service, affectionately
named, ORTHO DUDE, (Data Utility for Documentation
and Education) tracks injuries, treatments, and outcomes of all
patients seen by the Service. The Ortho DUDE's were honored
with a "Making a Difference Grant Award." Dr. Smith explains,
"our Ortho DUDE database has collected over 3,000 injuries
in its first year. What began as a relatively simple research
resource has grown to an application that has vastly improved
our billing efforts, the way our clinical runs, and - most importantly
- our communication with patients. We have begun to
use its data for several of our current research projects, and look
forward to further opportunities to mine its data."
During the last year, the Trauma Service completed a
major publication, "A Patient Guide to Orthopaedic Trauma
Care at the MGH, Expert Care for Trauma Patients." This
manual has been well received by our patients and their
families. It provides information about injuries, treatments,
the Trauma Team, and the MGH faculty. An electronic version
has also been added to the Trauma Service's webpages.
Suzanne Morrison, MPH, Administrative Trauma Coordinator,
was instrumental in bringing this project to fruition. Suzanne
reported on the Guide, "One year ago, we began distributing
our Patient Guide to Orthopaedic Trauma Care at the MGH
booklets to our patients and their families. This book helps us
accomplish two things: Setting expectations for our patients
and their families about their injuries, treatments and recovery;
and showing them how our team and the Hospital works while
they are under our care."
In March a new on call Trauma Room on White 6 was
dedicated. The Trauma Room provides facilities for the on call
trauma physicians. Computer access and other amenities are
available in this exclusive area.
The Trauma Service was recognized over the last year
with a number of awards. Dr. Vrahas was presented with the
2002 New England Orthopaedic Society Kilfoyle Award for
Resident/Fellow Research. He was also given the Teacher
of the Year (Golden Apple Award) by the Harvard Combined
Orthopaedic Residency Program. Two Partners in Excellence
Awards were delivered over this past year. Dr. Vrahas was recognized
for his work on the MGH Anticoagulation Team; and
Suzanne Morrison, MPH, Administrative Trauma Coordinator,
was recognized for outstanding individual performance.
Congratulations to the outstanding Trauma Service Team on
all there accomplishments!
MGH Bone Bank |
The MGH Bone Bank is directed by William Tomford, MD
on White 6 and has additional facilities at Five Emerson Place.
Dr. Tomford has been in this role since 1979 and works closely
with the Department Tissue Specialist, Connie Dellarusso,
CTSB. The Bone Bank was originally founded over thirty years
ago under the direction of Henry J. Mankin, MD, as an effort
by the Department to obtain bones for transplantation in limb
sparing procedures in bone cancer patients. For nearly fifteen
years now the MGH Bone Bank has had a bone recovery and
procurement agreement with the New England Organ Bank
(NEOB). The MGH Bone Bank operates solely as an effort
of the MGH and the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
and provides outstanding services to the MGH network and
other area hospitals. The Bone Bank has recently expanded
in range and has gone online with an Allograft Request form
and a listing of products available through their website:
http://www.massgeneral.org/ortho/BoneBank.htm. The Bone Bank
is a tremendous asset to our Department and New England.
Research Updates |
Over the past several years, we have made sweeping changes
in the MGH Orthopaedic Research Laboratories. Overall
laboratory space has grown from 8,149 to 14,000 square feet
and we have expanded to occupy the entire research area on
Jackson 12. The faculty and staff of our research laboratories
have been instrumental in assisting with the reorganization of
the laboratories' mission, focus and locations. In addition, I
have instituted a new MGH Orthopaedic Laboratories Executive
Committee that includes, Orhun Muratoglu, PhD, Chair of the
Committee, and committee members, Francis Hornicek, MD,
PhD, and Teresa Morales, PhD. This Committee has been
instrumental in the development of the MGH Orthopaedic
Research Laboratories' Five-Year Plans and the overall allocation
of our new research space on Jackson 11 and 12.
The scientists and surgeons of our Department once again
had a strong showing at the Orthopaedic Research Society
(ORS) and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
(AAOS) Meetings. This year the group had over 25 podium
presentations, 40 posters, 16 Instructional Course Lectures and
a variety of symposiums and specialty day presentations. The
extreme motivation, talent, innovation and successes of these
extremely successful individuals continually amaze me.
Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Biomaterials Laboratory (OBBL) |
The Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Biomaterials
Laboratory (OBBL) led by William H. Harris, MD, and Associate
Director, Orhun Muratoglu, PhD, continues to contribute
many significant and innovative contributions to the field of
total joint arthroplasty. The OBBL is responsible for pioneering
work in improving cement techniques, hip implant design,
revision total hip arthroplasty techniques, the understanding of
the biology of bone ingrowth as well important contributions in
the understanding of implant failure. In addition, to improving
arthroplasty articulations with the development of extensively
crosslinked polyethylene, this Laboratory continues a major
focus in biological control for the prevention of osteolysis.
The OBBL has increased research efforts over the past
year by expanding into new research space on Jackson 12. The
OBBL focuses on research in biomechanical and biomaterial
aspects of total joint replacement. On Jackson 12 the Lab has
recently initiated a program to study the wear of polyethylene
components using radiostereometric analysis (RSA). Currently
two clinical studies are underway using the RSA technique to
determine the wear behavior of highly crosslinked polyethylenes
when used in conjunction with large femoral components.
Within the same program the Lab has also initiated efforts to
use the RSA technique to investigate total knee kinematics in
vivo. A recent addition to the OBBL is Dr. Ebru Oral, who completed
her PhD in chemical engineering at Purdue University
and joined the Department to work in different aspects of biopolymer
research at the OBBL. On annual basis this Laboratory
brings in over $3 million worth in funding from a variety of
foundations, industry, and government sources. The Lab is
over-flowing with new activity and energy.
Biomaterials Laboratory |
The Biomaterials Laboratory is under the direction of Arun
Shanbhag, PhD, MBA. Capitalizing in advances in genomics,
the Laboratory has entered into a collaboration with Partners
HealthCare System Genomics Center as well as private industry
(DeCode Genetics) to identify markers for osteoarthritis and
osteolysis. Our arthroplasty surgeons including Dennis Burke,
MD, Andrew Freiberg, MD, Harry E. Rubash, MD, and William
Tomford, MD, have been recruiting patients for this study over
the past year.
In other studies the Laboratory is utilizing complimentary
DNA micro-rays to investigate the gene profile expression of
macrophages in their interaction with biomaterials. In addition,
the Laboratory is evaluating pharmaceutical approaches
to bone ingrowth.
Bioengineering (Robotics) Laboratory |
Guoan Li, PhD and members of the Bioengineering Laboratory
have been pursuing the accurate understanding
of in vivo knee joint function and methodologies to increase
knee flexion after knee ligament reconstruction or total knee
arthroplasty. In vivo MRI studies and robotic testing have
been utilized to provide baselines for the development of new
concepts in total knee arthroplasty, unicompartimental knee
arthroplasty, anterior and posterior cruciate ligament research,
and studies of the interosseous ligament of the upper extremity.
There are several Robotic Teams: Sports Medicine, Hand and
Upper Extremity, Joint Kinematics, and Total Joint (including
unicompartmental) Arthroplasty teams. These teams continue
to utilize the robotic testing system to develop new concepts
and understanding of orthopaedic, ligamentous and osseous
We are most fortunate to have Dr. Li's new Laboratory
open on Jackson 12 and have recently conducted a ribbon-cutting
ceremony and a celebration for the opening of this new
Laboratory. Dr. Li reports, "the mission of the Bioengineering
Laboratory is to conduct cutting edge orthopaedic research
and thus to help restore normal life functions to patients with
musculoskeletal diseases. The Laboratory provides first class
training to orthopaedic residents, undergraduate, and graduate
students in biomedical engineering."
Dr. Li and his colleagues Jeremy Suggs, Ephrat Most and
Louis DeFrate actively collaborate with investigators from the
Department. Ephrat Most is an MIT graduate student and has
been an integral member of the Laboratory since 1998. She
concentrates on the experimental and theoretical modeling of
TKA in high flexion. Louis DeFrate, also a MIT graduate student,
has been with the Lab since 1999. Lou's work focuses on
the optimal reconstruction of the PCL using theoretical analysis
and experimental validation. Jeremy Suggs, another MIT graduate
student, joined the Lab in 2000 to study the mechanisms
of treating the osetoarthritic knee using unicompartmental
knee arthroplasty. Jeremy Axe, a student at the University of
Delaware, and son of Dr. Michael Axe, an orthopaedic surgeon
in Delaware, has recently joined the team. Jeremy has been
investigating human knee flexion in high flexion angles using
computer modeling. This laboratory has annual grants totaling
over $1 million
Cartilage Biology and Orthopaedic Oncology Laboratories |
The Cartilage Biology and Orthopaedic Oncology
Laboratories are under the direction of Drs. Christine Towle
and Henry Mankin. The Laboratories continue to focus on
molecular and biochemical markers that may serve as predictors
of metastases and malignant bone and soft tissue tumors.
The Cartilage Biology and Orthopaedic Oncology Laboratories
collaborate extensively with the Sarcoma Molecular Biology
Laboratory on both tumor-related and cartilage-related projects.
Dr. Mankin maintains a computerized patient database,
which includes relevant information on over 15,000 patients
treated by the MGH Orthopaedic Service since 1972. The
FOXPRO system records demographic data, diagnosis, stage,
anatomical site, operative procedures, use of adjuvant therapy
and in many cases, outcomes in terms of local recurrence,
metastasis and death. The data from these studies have been
used in numerous clinical studies.
Dr. Towle is exploring the mechanisms leading to cartilage
damage in osteoarthritis. In particular, the group is interested
in factors that promote cartilage repair and the regulation of
the degenerative cascade that leads to cartilage destruction of
poorly functioning joints. Dr. Towle explains, " The missions
of the laboratories are to promote through clinical and basic science
research a better understanding of the biology of skeletal
tissues in health and disease and to educate students, residents,
fellows, and clinicians from this country and around the world
in orthopaedic research." There are annual grants totaling $1
million, including two active NIH grants. NIH funding in this
lab has been continuous since 1962.
These Laboratories have an active medical student research
program: the "Pinkney Scholars," funded by a Department
endowment. The Pinkney Scholars Program is designed to
encourage medical students to spend time doing basic or
clinical science research. The program is funded by a gift from
Mrs. Mankin in honor of her father, Harold Pinkney. Pinkney
scholars partake in seminars, rounds, clinical conferences, and
library studies, and they have generally found that the experience
helps to clarify their interest in orthopaedics.
Sarcoma Molecular Biology Laboratory |
The Sarcoma Molecular Biology Laboratory under the
direction of and Lawrence Weissbach, PhD , and Francis
Hornicek, MD, PhD, is investigating tumor physiology and
novel chemotherapeutic agents to further advance the treatment
of malignant tumors. Also working in the Lab is Jeremy
Kasanov, PhD, a Postdoctoral Fellow and Takeshi Morii, MD,
a Visiting Research Fellow. The Laboratory is investigating
ways that chondrosarcoma cells may develop resistance to
chemotherapeutic agents. Dr. Weissbach explains, "The overall
objectives of this laboratory are to explore biological mechanisms
of tumors arising in bone and soft tissues, and perform
translational research into new treatment options for patients
afflicted with musculoskeleton tumors. For certain tumors
such as chondrosarcoma, treatment options are limited once
the tumor has metastasized, and this laboratory is interested
in improving existing therapies as well as devising novel treatments
for these tumors."
The Lab is working on a number of novel research
programs and members of the Lab have collaborated with
researchers at Children's Hospital in Boston, Carnegie Mellon
University, the University of Bern in Switzerland, and Bio-
Technology General Corporation in Israel. This Laboratory
has also produced over 25 peer-reviewed manuscripts and has
presented at regional and national symposia and conferences.
The Sarcoma Molecular Biology Laboratory currently has 4
grants pending/submitted to the NIH and additional industrysponsored
research grants pending.
Laboratory of Orthopaedic Biochemistry and Osteoarthritis Therapy |
Teresa Morales, PhD directs the Laboratory of Orthopaedic
Biochemistry and Osteoarthritis Therapy. This Laboratory
focuses on understanding the key binding proteins of matrix
factors that regulate the activities of important growth factors
and their effect on normal and pathologic articular cartilage.
Additional focuses include understanding chondrocyte
formulation, modeling, and new avenues of cartilage repair.
Dr. Morales explains the mission of the Laboratory is "to
understand the role of key signaling and matrix factors in the
regulation of chondrocyte biology and to apply this knowledge
towards investigations of cartilage repair."
Recent members of this Laboratory include Judy Miao, a
Laboratory Technician with a MS in Bioengineering, Roberto
Morento, also a Laboratory Technician with a BS in Biology and
Celeste Chang, a graduate student from MIT's Bioengineering
Program. Currently, Xia Liu is working as a part-time
Technician in the Lab. Xia has a BS in Medical Science. Key
collaborators with Dr. Morales include: Dr. Ernst Hunziker,
Director Muller Institute of Biomechanics. Dr. Douglas
Lauffenburger, Co-Director, Division of Biological Engineering,
MIT and Drs. Joseph Buckwalter and James Martin, University
of Iowa. The Laboratory has a R03 grant, a R21 grant, a recent
R01 award, as well as funding from industry and foundation
sources. Congratulations to Dr. Morales for her outstanding
Biomotion Laboratory |
The Biomotion Laboratory is directed by David Krebs,
DPT, PhD, and is located in Ruth Sleeper Hall. Dr. Krebs is
a Professor of Physical Therapy and Clinical Investigation.
As a Professor of Clinical Investigation he teaches Advanced
Statistics for graduate students. He holds academic appointments
in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and in
Mechanical Engineering (MIT). The Biomotion Laboratory
investigates mechanical and neuro-constraints of human
locomotion. The Lab focuses on two distinct research areas:
balance (inner ear and cerebella problems) and arthritis (degenerative).
In the former the Biomotion Laboratory works closely
with the Neurology Service. This Laboratory has significant
funding from the NIH as well as substantial foundation and
industry support.
Dr. Krebs recently elaborated on the Laboratory's focus:
"The mission of the MGH Biomotion Laboratory is to better
understand the biomechanical and neural constraints of human
movement. The major goals are to investigate the means by
which force, momentum, power and energy flows interact
with neuropathic and arthopathic conditions. Our objectives
include determining the means by which humans compensate
for and adapt to, specific orthopaedic and neurophysiological
motor deficits. We employ state-of-the art modeling, theory and
data acquisition to generate appropriately detailed analyses of
impairments, organ level function or dysfunction, functional
limitations, whole person function or dysfunction, and disability
whole person function or dysfunction in society performing
the expected role."
The Biomotion Laboratory has continuously provided
novel and outstanding contributions to orthopaedic, rehabilitation,
and movement science for nearly two decades. Novel
research programs have included a MGH-MIT instrumented
hip project, as well as the current impetus to fit such prostheses
to <.5 mm of the anatomical (fractured) femoral head. In
addition, along with MIT collaborators, the Lab provided the
world's first clinically interpretable, routinely obtained, whole
body kinematic model that is independent of anatomical joint
markers, thus allowing anatomically accurate modeling even
of individuals with severe transverse or frontal orthopaedic
Key laboratory personnel include, Chris A. McGibbon, PhD,
who is the Technical Assistant Director of the Laboratory, Donna
M. Scarborough, MSPT, the Lab's Clinical Assistant Director, Dov
Goldvasser, MSC, ME, Lab Research Technologist, and Niyom
Lue, MScBE, PT, who is also a Lab Research Technologist. In
addition, other personnel include, Lara Asmundson, MSPT,
Clinical Research Assistant and Lorrie Walker, MA, the Lab's
Staff Assistant. The Biomotion Laboratory also provides volunteer
and educational opportunities for students from around
the world. Visit the Biomotion Laboratory online: http:
Annual Children's Holiday Party |
Our 3rd Annual Children's Holiday Party enchanted parents
and children alike this past December at the Children's
Museum. Over 100 family members were present this year
to join us for the fun-filled party at the Children's Museum of
Boston on Congress Street. Of course, Santa and his elves were
there to entertain with songs and stories. Santa's sack was
filled with gifts for all the children and the celebration included
a wonderful lunch in the Museum's private party-room as well
as a special holiday cake and ice-cream dessert. Each of the
family's went home with a personalized professional photograph
of their children taken with Santa and the elves. Peter
Chiang, MD, Arthroplasty Fellow, attended with his wife, Tracey,
and sons Alex (2 years) and William (1 month). Dr. Chiang,
reported, "The children's holiday party was a fantastic event
for all who attended. It was a joy to watch the children of the
staff, residents, and fellows play and sing. The highlight of the
party was the entrance of Santa Claus." After the great party,
the afternoon was spent exploring and playing in the wonderful
exhibits at the Museum. Thank you to Brent Ponce, MD, PGY5,
whose hard work and dedication to this year's event made it an
outstanding success.
Personal Note |
Kimberly, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the last year in
Weston and it has been a delight to watch our family grow.
Our children Bradley (age 16 years), Steven (age 14 years), and
Kristen (age 12 years) continue to develop and flourish in this
new environment. We have reached out and developed wonderful
friendships and relationships in the community and department.
There has been a period, of calming, as some stability
has fortunately been achieved. I hope...
My wife and I were most fortunate to have recently gone
to Naples, Florida with the MGH Development Office, Drs. Peter
Slavin and Gerald Austin in an attempt to further endow important
areas in the Department. We had a wonderful time and
had the opportunity to present lectures to the MGH community
in South Florida as well as spend time on the golf course and
enjoy the wonderful weather. This was a much-needed reprieve
after all the snow and freezing temperatures this winter.
The past five years have been some of the most rewarding
and difficult of my entire professional career. I am pleased
to have seen the Department develop into a more a cohesive,
focused and defined academic group. We have gathered a faculty
that provides state-of-the art care to our patients with dignity,
respect and compassion. We have developed world-class
clinical divisions and research laboratories, which continue to
expand and have provided some major contributions to the field
of orthopaedic surgery. I will continue to support the growth
of the biological and genomics sections of our laboratories and
will continue to foster an environment, which will allow our
investigators to collaborate and succeed. We are one of the
largest academic departments in the country with one of the
strongest clinical and research programs. I look forward to
many more years in Boston.
Links of interest: