The Harvard Orthopedic Ski Day 2009
Waterville Valley, NH
February 7, 2009

We held the Tenth annual Residents Ski Day on 02/07/2009. Accommodations were provided for the Friday and Saturday night for the residents. Saturday began with everyone meeting at the Player’s Club at the Waterville Valley New Hampshire Resort. We began with the usual early breakfast. Everyone collected their ski tickets and rental passes for the day and signed their lives away for the Nastar race. Those that were not post call hit the slopes around 9:30 a.m. and had a fantastic day of skiing. There were two ski instructors hired for the day in order that the Residents could cut the lines, obtain maximum vertical feet and be “wasted” in time for the Nastar Race against the Attendings. We were divided into two ski groups with the instructors - the “fast” and the ”not so fast”.

A wonderful lunch was had by everyone at the Players Club. The residents seemed somewhat pre-occupied with what was next to follow - The Annual Nastar race. Some residents were reminiscing about the heydays when Rob Parisien carried the Resident Team. He remained unbeaten as any Olympic Athlete should.

This year, as usual, the Attendings beat the Residents by a wide margin. (Editors Note: I think that the same governing body setting the golf teams has been hired to fix, oops organize, the ski rules and regulations.) Based on points the Attendings won 21 to 15 points. The best resident time was turned in by David Wing (PGY-2). The fastest attending was Dr. Mark Vrahas, who bested the fastest resident time. Dr. Vrahas blistered the course with an inspired performance surpassing last year’s winning attending, John Ready. The overall 2009 winner was Tim Brick the 17-year-old son of Dr. Brick.

The end of the day concluded with the Residents congregating at the Players Club analyzing their Nastar results and committing to being more focused and task oriented both in Orthopedic Surgery but more importantly in skiing.

Everyone reconvened, after hot showers, massages and hot tubs at Greg and Jane Brick’s Townhouse for the academic portion of the weekend. This was well received with Dr. Ready giving his usual animated discussion of the Lauge-Hansen classification of ankle fractures, fortunately managing not to fracture his own ankle while he pirouetted around the living room. Cases included 20-year follow-up of ski injuries at Waterville Valley. A variety of upper and lower extremity injuries were reviewed generating much discussion. Mark Vrahas and Paul Appleton provided state of the art commentary and Samantha Spencer, the Pediatric perspective. John Abraham kept looking for Tumors.

The evening culminated in a gourmet meal with the “stayers” at the end of the evening remaining on the deck with liqueurs and cigars.

We would all like to thank Drs. Thornhill and Rubash for their support of this weekend which is not only athletic as well as educational, but also a lot of fun.

Hopefully the tradition will continue. I am told that the residents are already sharpening their skis for next year and are in serious training. Meanwhile the Attendings are resting up nursing their injuries and saving themselves for the important day.

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