Letter from the Editor-In-Chief
Mark D. Price, MD, PhD
Welcome to the 10th edition of the Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical School. It is fitting that the traditional marker for ones tenth anniversary is aluminum, a material most of us have grown up recycling, for this years edition has gone green.
As you can see weve made major changes to the journal, including making this the first
paperless edition of the OJHMS. We felt it important to continue to get the message out regarding
Harvard Orthopaedics, while trying to reduce the amount of waste created. Eventually all journals
such as ours will be fully electronic and we are proud to have taken this first step.
Nonetheless, this years content contains the same hard work and time on the part of the residents and faculty who submit the
articles and snapshots resident life, the same dedication and support on the part of the alumni who help financially support the journal,
and the same investment from the department chiefs who have summarized the ongoing work at their respective institutions.
I would especially like to acknowledge my co-editors Coleen Sabatini, Darren Lebl, and John Kadzielski. Each has been tremendous
to work with and given unselfishly of his or her time to make the journal a reality. It goes without saying that nothing would have
gotten done, however, with out our incredible manager Diane Sheehan, whom Id also like to thank.
This issue has been dedicated to a friend to all the residents, Dr. Louis Louie Meeks. Dr. Meeks has influenced countless
members of the residency and won nearly every teaching award that exists in both the residency and medical school. Perhaps, no
more fitting tribute can be found than that nearly one half of this years graduating class is going in to sports medicine, but we felt
that his teaching and dedication should go recognized one more time and in one more forum.
It has been a pleasure to serve as the editor for the journal and work to usher in this new era and format. Enjoy responsibly!
Mark D. Price, M.D., Ph.D.