Massachusetts General Hospital

Harry E. Rubash, MD

Harry E. Rubash, M.D.

Edith M. Ashley Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Harvard Medical School

2011-12 Chief's Report

On August 20, 1810, Drs. James Jackson and John Collins Warren circulated a petition calling for the founding of a hospital. Their appeal to the community for supportive funds was crafted to entice empathy and compassion. Today these words continue to guide our mission to care for patients and to make strides in the world of medical health care. I encourage you all to read the new book detailing the hospital’s history up to the present, Something in the Ether: A Bicentennial History of Massachusetts General Hospital, 1811-2011 by local author Webster Bull and his daughter Martha Bull. This book commemorates the 200 years of medicine, service and innovation fostered by the MGH, our nation’s third oldest general hospital. I am pleased to have shared in the numerous innovations that have taken place in our Department, thanks to the diligence and perseverance of our eminent former colleagues and current members of our Department.


MGH Bicentennial


US News & World Report

MGH ranked #1 in the USOn a very warm July 17th, with a beautiful blue sky in Boston, the sense of pride was palpable in the Bulfinch tent as hospital employees, public officials, and the news media gathered for an enormous celebration. The MGH was ranked #1 in the nation on the US News & World Report’s Best Hospitals list. The MGH replaced Johns Hopkins Hospital, which had been at the top of this list for 21 consecutive years. The standing-room-only event was attended by Dr. Peter Slavin, President of the MGH, Dr. David Torchiana, Chairman and CEO of the MGPO, Dr. Jeffery Flier, Dean of the Harvard Medical School, Dr. Gary Gottlieb, President and CEO of Partners Healthcare, and our own Mayor, the Honorable Thomas M. Menino. The Mayor announced that July 17th will officially be known as MGH’s #1 Day in the city of Boston and stated, “When Boston is at its best in something, we bring out the Duck Boats!” Cheers erupted from the crowd as the amphibious landing vehicle pulled into the Wang Ambulatory area and spewed confetti into the air.

Dr. Rubash, MGH CelebrationThis event was for all who diligently and tirelessly make a difference in the lives of other human beings on a daily basis. I have never been at an institution that spends as much time and effort on the highly individualized care of each patient. It is our honor to be affiliated with this fine institution. The MGH was also recognized among top US hospitals in each of the 16 specialties, including orthopaedics. Well done and congratulations to all!

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