Over the past 5 years, the Orthopaedic Research Laboratory of the Brigham and Women's Hospital has employed an animal model to address these issues. A defect made to the level of the tidemark in a canine model has been used in several investigations of a variety of articular cartilage repair procedures. Longitudinal study of the make-up of the reparative tissue in defects treated by autologous chondrocyte implantation and in untreated controls has been carried out through 18 months post-operatively. Direct comparison of a wide variety of repair methods including microfracture has been performed in cross-sectional studies at 16 weeks postoperatively. These results have provided useful insights into the make-up of the tissues resulting from these procedures and an appreciation of the dynamic remodeling that can occur with time. These data may be useful for the comparison of cartilage repair procedures and could be used to design future strategies for cartilage repair. INTRODUCTION
Understandably, a principal parameter for assessing the value of a new cartilage repair procedure is pain relief. However, it follows that as we know so little about the source and cause of the pain that propels the patient to surgery, we are illequipped to directly relate the symptomatic relief to any aspect of the procedure or feature of the reparative tissue. Moreover, we cannot predict the course of the outcome:How long will the pain relief last? Confounding aspects of the assessment of new cartilage repair procedures include a lack of understanding of the natural history of certain lesions and the impact of concurrent procedures such as osteotomy and meniscal and ligamentous repairs on the symptomatic relief. Would the lesion sufficiently heal and the symptoms be relieved with no treatment? Is it the adjunctive procedure, such as osteotomy, that has provided the relief or the cartilage repair procedure? Finally, when relying on pain as the principal outcome, one must also consider the possibility of a placebo effect. Objective measures of the reparative tissues filling the defects can deepen our understanding of treatment effects and can provide a rational basis for their comparison. Such comprehensive objective evaluations require the use of animal models. Biopsies of tissue from human subjects are available for study only occasionally and rarely from asymptomatic individuals. Certain noninvasive diagnostic techniques (viz . , magnetic resonance imaging) still require further development before they can provide a detailed assessment of the physical and chemical changes in the lesion with treatment. Animal models can be of value for both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies. The former can provide a useful picture of the chronology of the reparative process induced by the procedure. These data can provide a foundation for the evaluation of biopsies from human subjects and thus may be of predictive value. Cross-sectional studies are of value for the direct comparison of repair procedures with respect to selected measures. This paper provides a brief review of the use of animal models for the assessment of cartilage repair procedures and reviews the findings obtained from one such animal model. Much of this paper is drawn from a recent review. ANIMAL
MODELS FOR EVALUATING CARTILAGE REPAIR PROCEDURES A principal limitation of the most commonly employed animal model, the rabbit, is that the defect depth is limited by the thickness of the articular cartilage in the rabbit knee joint (generally less than 0. 5 mm) . The thicker articular cartilage layer (approximately 0. 5 to 1. 0 mm) in the dog improves this condition, and the activity level and loading more closely resemble human conditions. Healing may be affected by animal age, as studies performed in adolescent species have reported good healing compared to other studies. 9 While it has been known for many years that chondrocyte response to injury may be age dependent, only recently has a study conclusively shown agedependent differences in repair in the rabbit. 10 Because a treatment modality that would work only in young patients (prior to skeletal maturity) would be limited in its applications, adult models are preferred for assessing more clinically applicable tests of efficacy. THE
CRITICAL SIZE DEFECT: THE EFFECTS OF DEPTH ON HEALING Defects fully contained in articular cartilage (i. e . , chondral defects) may persist with no sign of reparative tissue filling the lesion 11 or may heal with limited filling by fibrous tissue, fibrocartilage, or hyaline cartilage. Remarkably, in some cases, the reparative tissue that fills such (untreated) defects displays the structure of articular cartilage. Such findings suggest that articular cartilage has potential for regeneration. However, such regeneration has never been fully demonstrated throughout the defect. When healing occurs in chondral defects, the source of the cells filling such lesions remains in question. The first of the following possibilities seems the most likely:
Ironically, the least likely source of cells is the surrounding articular cartilage, because the cells are so restricted in their movement by their extracellular matrix. The fibrin clot that is required to serve as the provisional scaffold to retain cells in the defect could be derived from various sources. These include blood from undetected fissures through the calcified cartilage (as in 1 above) or blood within the joint from the synovium caused by the trauma or surgery that produced the lesion. While complete regeneration of chondral defects in the postnatal animal has never been reported, such regeneration has recently been reported in the fetus. 12 Variable healing of defects in the postnatal mammal has been found to be similar for many species and the same for immature as well as mature animals. 11 In contrast, defects that penetrate the subchondral bone more regularly show filling of the defect with reparative tissue due to the introduction of reparative cells from blood vessels and the marrow. 13 While complete filling with hyaline cartilage has been reported it did not persist. Little is known about the course of healing of defects that extend to the tidemark, but that do not initially penetrate the subchondral plate. Such lesions can occur as a result of trauma and are now often created surgically as degraded cartilage is debrided from the joint surface in preparation for certain cartilage repair procedures. In one technique cartilage is removed to the tidemark in preparing a defect for implantation of cultured autologous chondrocytes injected under a periosteal graft. 14 Careful characterization of untreated lesions is critical to the understanding of new treatments to regenerate articular cartilage. However, there are no clinical reports of how an untreated full-thickness chondral lesion heals, and work in animal models has produced limited data. Grande, et al . 3 studied four such defects in rabbits. After six weeks, two of four untreated defects contained no repair tissue, while the other two animals displayed reconstitution of the matrix in approximately 16% of the cross-sectional area of the defect, predominantly in the sides and corners. Brittberg observed six similar defects in the rabbit at twelve weeks, reporting 29% filling with a predominantly "disorganized, dense fibrous tissue ". 14 There is a need for more complete characterization of the spontaneous healing of this type of defect. METHODS
OF EVALUATION In experimental work, most authors use histological methods to evaluate cartilage repair. Various factors in the repair process can be evaluated by histology:types of tissues filling the defect (including both cell and extracellular matrix characteristics) , attachment to adjacent structures (cartilage, calcified cartilage, or bone) , and the health of the adjacent tissues. The method of staining may also be useful in eliciting biochemical information. For example several staining methods are specific to sulfated glycosaminoglycans (Safranin O, alcian blue) , while immunohistochemical stains can be used to demonstrate the types of collagen and cartilage specific proteins. Finally, histology can reveal structural information, primarily collagen organization, which may provide information regarding the functionality of the reparative tissue. A semi-quantitative schema for assessing the degree of degradation of articular cartilage the Mankin scale 15 has recently been applied for the quantitative assessment of the success of cartilage healing in reparative procedures. 16, 17 However, this approach must be exercised with caution. The use of an ordinal semi-quantitative scale limits use of parametric statistical methods. More recently, quantitative histological methods have been for the evaluation of the reparative tissue in defects in animal models. 7, 18 In one approach, heretofore applied to rabbit investigations employing osteochondral defects, the strategy is to obtain a quantitative description of the degree of cartilage restoration:repair dimensions, degree of attachment, surface roughness and repair location. 18 The other approach, 7 implemented for the analysis of the reparative tissue in chondral defects in a canine model, determines the areal percentage of selected tissue types in the defect and the percentage bonding to the adjacent articular cartilage and underlying calcified cartilage. Other methods of analysis are more specialized and may complement histological analysis. The measurement of mechanical properties of reparative tissue may indicate the degree to which the tissue functionally replaces normal cartilage. The major variables include modulus of elasticity and permeability. Biochemical analysis is normally focused on synthesis of the major components of the cartilage extracellular matrix:collagen and proteoglycans. Use of these methods has been limited, in part, due to the destructive nature of the typical ex vivo testing procedures which prevents histological analysis of the same tissue. It would be desirable to have information from all of these tests. However, practical limitations of the research, including the limited size of defects and expense of animal models, often make this impossible. For a preliminary investigation of healing, histology provides the widest range of information and is widely accepted. Mechanical and biochemical evaluations are more appropriate for specialized follow-up studies. Advances in mechanical testing, including non-destructive probes which may be used in vivo , promise to expand its implementation in the analysis of cartilage repair. CARTILAGE
This paper addresses the first two of these methods. A procedure for providing access of cells from blood and marrow to the defect through "microfracture " 19 of the calcified cartilage and subchondral bone is included for comparison. An important factor to consider in treating a defect in articular cartilage is the post-procedure motion and loading to which the joint will be subjected. Before or after injury, there is clearly an acceptable range of loading and motion outside which cartilage begins to degrade. No loading at all can lead to joint degeneration, while excessive loading can create pathology in the cartilage and underlying bone. A series of studies in animal models has demonstrated the ability of controlled motion to improve the reparative process in certain defect types subjected to certain treatments. 20 While not the subject of this work, the postoperative loading should be investigated in any model of cartilage repair. COMPARISON
OF SELECTED PROCEDURES IN A CANINE MODEL A canine model was employed for reasons of cartilage thickness, accessibility of the surgical site, reproducibility of the lesion, animal activity, and loading of the joint. An adult animal was used to reflect the challenge of repair most often seen clinically. The chondral lesion that was implemented mimics situations that are often the direct result of injury or debridement. In this work the following procedures were evaluated:
Untreated defects were used as controls. 23 Reparative tissue filling the defects was evaluated after selected time periods. A longitudinal study of the first of these procedures was conducted through 18 months post-operatively. Results of all procedures were compared in a cross-sectional study performed 13-16 weeks post-surgery. The chondral defect was a 4 mm diameter hole created in the articular cartilage of the trochlear groove of the stifle joint (knee) of the adult mongrel dogs. 7, 23 The trochlea was selected over sites on the femoral condyles and tibia because it was more accessible surgically while having a comparable thickness of articular cartilage. It was chosen instead of the patella because, in the dog, it provided a larger surface area to accommodate 2 defects, 4 mm in diameter, while having an articular cartilage thickness comparable to that of the patella. Moreover, it had a flatter profile than the sites on the patella. Finally, the patello-femoral articulation is highly loaded, thus providing a meaningful test of the cartilage repair procedure. CHRONOLOGICAL
7, 21 Defects evaluated after 3 and 6 months displayed a striking increase in the amounts of hyaline and articular cartilage (Figs. 1 and 2) as the relative percentage of fibrous tissue decreased. Analysis of variance revealed significant effects of time on the percentages of fibrous tissue (P<0. 0002) and hyaline cartilage (p<0. 03) . After 3 months, the CAC-treated sites were found to have more total filling (two-tailed paired t-test;p=0. 04) and combined hyaline and articular cartilage (p=0. 0003) than the untreated controls. There were, however, no statistically significant differences in these variables after 6 months.
e distribution of tissue types within the defect was notable in that the hyaline cartilage, when present, was found near the base of the lesion and at the corners with fibrocartilage superficial to it and fibrous tissue was almost always on the surface. This fibrous tissue frequently displayed delamination and fibrillation. Type II collagen immunolabelling of the hyaline cartilage and some of the fibrocartilage was in evidence. Also of note was the presence of articular cartilage along the base of the lesions in several specimens. This cartilage showed a normally appearing integration with a calcified cartilage layer. It was not infrequent, however, to find vertical clefts through the hyaline and articular cartilage. Compared to the 1. 5-month postoperative time period, at 3 and 6 months the fibrocartilage tended to display increased amounts of safranin O staining. The staining for proteoglycan in the hyaline cartilage also increased with postoperative time reaching normal levels in some areas. Bone formed in small quantities at the base of one defect; however, no neovascularization was found in the defect area at this time. The histological features of the reparative tissue at 3 and 6 months postoperative, when compared to the 1. 5-month findings, suggested a remodeling process. During this remodeling phase, the ACI-treated group contained more hyaline and articular cartilage, and less fibrous tissue than untreated controls (no periosteal controls were included at this time) . At 12 and 18 months there was no significant effect of the cultured autologous chondrocyte-implanted defects when compared with controls. The percentage of the defects filled with reparative tissue was less than that in the 6-month defects (Figs. 1 and 2)
The percentage of the original area of the chondral defects that filled with reparative tissue varied widely from less than 20% for defects treated with a fascia cover alone to more than 90% for microfracture-treated lesions in which a type II collagen matrix was implanted (Fig. 2) . Untreated defects displayed approximately 40% fill. At this time period, the lesions in which CACs were implanted under a periosteal flap were found to be filled to approximately 50% with tissue. The relative amounts of the specific tissue types comprising the reparative tissue also varied widely (Fig 2) . There was so little articular cartilage in any group that this category was combined with hyaline cartilage for the purpose of this analysis. The greatest percentage of hyaline cartilage was found in the CAC-implanted group followed by the untreated controls (Fig. 2) . The majority of the reparative tissue in the other treatment groups consisted of fibrocartilage. The greatest amount of fibrous tissue was found in the defect implanted with the type I collagen scaffold alone. Of some interest was the marked difference in the treatments in which the CACs were implanted alone versus seeded in a collagen matrix. The cell-seeded matrix had approximately 45% more reparative tissue in the defect (Fig. 2) but the make-up was predominantly fibrocartilage compared to the hyaline cartilage that predominated in the defects treated with the CACs alone (Fig. 2). There was a meaningful inverse correlation between the percentage of the defect filled with reparative tissue and the percentage of the intact calcified cartilage (Fig. 3) . Linear regression indicated that 61% of the variation in the fill with reparative tissue was explained by the amount of intact calcified cartilage (R 2 =0. 61) . LESSONS
TO THE AMOUNT OF DISRUPTION OF THE SUBCHONDRAL PLATE It is not yet possible to determine the relative effects of CACs and collagen matrices on the remodeling of the calcified cartilage and subchondral bone, and on the longerterm outcome of treatments employing these elements. This further underscores the multifactorial nature of the problem of treating cartilage defects. That the degree to which the calcified cartilage and subchondral bone has been disrupted has a significant effect on the amount of reparative tissue in the defect indicates that the blood and marrow are important sources of reparative cells and the provisional scaffold (i. e . , the fibrin clot) . These results also indicate an association between the degree to which the calcified cartilage layer is damaged and the type of tissue at the base of the defect. Hyaline cartilage is generally found superficial to intact calcified cartilage, while damaged calcified cartilage is covered by fibrous tissue or fibrocartilage. It was not determined whether the hyaline cartilage formed preferentially on intact calcified surfaces, or the formation of the hyaline cartilage played a role in healing damaged calcified cartilage. The fact that hyaline cartilage was more frequently found overlying an intact calcified cartilage layer suggests the importance of an avascular environment for the formation of this tissue type. Moreover, a calcified cartilage layer exposed by surgery may be important in facilitating the bonding of reparative tissue to the base of the defect. Generalized demineralization of calcified cartilage exposed to joint fluid or focal cell-mediated resorption followed by remineralization may be necessary for incorporation newly synthesized collagen fibers. SUMMARY
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