3rd annual Harvard Orthopaedics golf outing was held on May 25, 2001 at
the Sandy Burr Country Club in Wayland, Massachusetts. Among the estimated
100 participants were ten alumni of the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency
Program and approximately 20 current faculty members from institutions affiliated
with the residency program. The annual outing is a great opportunity
for residents, attendings, alumni, and other members of the Harvard ortho-
paedic community to enjoy a day of golf and to continue to strengthen relationships
throughout the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program, said
Dr. Shawn Hayden, one of the event s resident organizers.
residents |
The day began with
a four-person, shotgun scramble tournament, followed by a dinner and awards
ceremony. Individual prizes were award to Ms. Karen Bernstein for the
longest drive of the day, Dr. David Golden for the closest to the pin,
and Dr. Lars Richardson for the longest putt. The team competition was
won by the foursome of Dr. James Kasser, Dr. David Kim (PGY-6) , Dr. David
Kim (PGY-4) , and Julia Boli- Woodward of Synthes, who finished the day
collectively at seven under par. The foursome of Drs. Robert O Toole,
Renn Crichlow, and Thomas Myers, and Joseph Czarnecki won
the prize for the highest team score, finishing the day at forty over
par. Dr. Sean Rassman won the most etiquettely challenged golfer
award. Finally, Dr. Thomas Thornhill won the esteemed and highly coveted
Barry Simmons Award for his rather unorthodox pre-tournament preparation.
Dr. Thornhill
wins the Simmons award |
The 3rd annual
outing was a tremendous success, and we hope that this tradition will
flourish in the future, said Dr. Arun Ramappa, the other resident
Plans are already
underway for next years outing. For more information, visit The
Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical Schools website at
Participants of the 3rd annual Harvard Orthopaedics golf outing.