Former Residents (listed by year of program completion)
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1930  •  1940  •  1950  •  1960  •  1970  •  1980  •  1990  •  Fellows  •  Top of page
1930 's
William M. Laughlin '33 sends greetings. At age 98, he is the sole survivor of his medical school class of 1927 at the U. of Pittsburgh.
1940 's
Arthur Hartwig '46 has been retired since 1977. Currently in San Francisco, CA, he sadly informs us of the passing of his wife in December 2000. We extend our condolences. Raymond Kuhlmann '48 is enjoying retirement in South Burlington, VT.
Jerome Waldman '50 retired in 1988 but still enjoys staying abreast of the orthopedic literature. He recently celebrated his 52nd wedding anniversary, and has two grandsons ages 13 and 4 1/2 years old. William Jones '54 is now fully retired as of this past December, living in Mystic, CT, in good health. Robert Vitt '51 has been retired for 15 years, but still attends Academy meetings. He enjoys travel, hunting and fishing.
John Larkin '66 is now retired in White Bear Lake, MN. He recounts being able to perform the first total joint procedures in the Twin Cities as well as the first arthroscopies in Minnesota. He currently serves on the boards of the Arboretum at the University of Minnesota, the Bell Library and the Irish American Cultural Institute.
James Huddleston '69 recently retired, after a career spanning 9 years on staff at the MGH, and 22 years of private practice in Naples, FL. Since 1995, he has been involved yearly with orthopedic Presbyterian missionary work to Kenya. His son, James Huddleston '05 is currently a PGY-2 in the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program.
William Simon '69 is currently Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at U. Penn. He co-authored the text " Medicolegal Consequences of Trauma, " published 1993, and is currently working on a text on post-traumatic pain.
1930  •  1940  •  1950  •  1960  •  1970  •  1980  •  1990  •  Fellows  •  Top of page
Richard Burton '70 is currently Acting Chair of the Dept. of Neurological Surgery at U. Rochester Medical Center in NY. He is past Director of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery ( '88- '98)and past President of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand ( '91- '92).
Michael Goldberg '71 is Orthopaedist-in-Chief at Tufts/New England Medical Center. He was recently named chairman of the board of the Home for Little Wanderers, the nation 's oldest child welfare agency.
Philip Bernstein '72 is in practice in San Mateo, CA, special- izing in joint replacement, and is planning on practicing full- time for at least 5 more years.
Kenneth Singer '72 currently resides in Eugene, OR, and specializes in sports medicine. Roger Williams '72 is practic- ing in Naples, FL, with an interest in arthroscopy, joint replacement and osteoporo- sis. He has a son Conrad (age 21)and daughter Heidi (24), and reports that he enjoys sailing on his 32-foot cata- maran "SKYE. " Roger Williams, MD , PA Roger Williams 'catamaran " SKYE. "
Tony Herring '73 recently finished editing Tachdjian 's Pediatric Orthopedics textbook from Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. He also produced the film 'A Fight to the Finish: Stories of Polio, ' which made the final 12 documentary films being considered for an Academy Award. Look for it on TV!
Robert Ennis '74 is Clinical Associate Professor at U of Miami, president of Orthomed Consulting Service, Inc, and in private practice in south Florida. He has been married 37 years to his wife, Lorelei, and has two grandchildren.
Stanley Grabias '74 practices spine and joint arthroplasty in Reading, PA.
Edward Heyes '74 writes to us from Riverside, CA. He is retired, but is active with volunteer services in foreign developing countries.
Stephen Lipson '74 was appointed as Images Editor at the New England Journal of Medicine in April 2001.
Howard Parker '74 continues to enjoy a large joint replacement and sports injury practice in Bangor, ME. His video on female sports injuries was a runner-up in a recent AMA Freddie awards competition. Howard had his knees replaced 3 years ago by Richard Scott '74 , and is doing well ัhe recently biked through Tuscany with Ralph Sweetland '73 and Richard Swett '76 .
Richard St. Onge '75 is currently in practice in N. Logan, UT as an alpine orthopedic specialist. He enjoys mountain climbing, river running and dogsled racing.
Gerald Steinberg '75 is Chief Medical Officer, Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Orthopedics at U. Mass Memorial Healthcare.
John Garrett '76 specializes in knee surgery, in Atlanta, GA. He served as team physician for the Atlanta Falcons, 1987-1995.
George Lewinnek '76 is practicing in Fitchburg, MA in a community general practice with an emphasis on spine.
William Tomford '77 is Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Har vard Medical School, and currently practices at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Stephen Brown '78 is currently in Phoenix, AZ. He is president of Biovision, Inc. and enjoys cabinetmaking.
Murray Goodman '79 is practicing general and hand orthope- dics in Salem, MA.
Melvin Young '79 recently joined a new practice in Boca Raton, FL.
1930  •  1940  •  1950  •  1960  •  1970  •  1980  •  1990  •  Fellows  •  Top of page
Ronald Chaplan '81 is currently in Monterey, CA. He reports: " Golf has become my major sport, Republican politics my passion, retirement by 55 my goal. "
John Stinson '81 practices in Rockville, MD, specializing in spinal reconstruction and adult spinal deformity. He celebrated his 25 th wedding anniversary this year to his wife Susan, and has three sons age 8, 13 and 15.
Kirk Johnson '82 was recently appointed Chief of the Total Joint Replacement service at U. Mass Memorial Hospital in Worcester, MA.
Craig Westin '84 is Director of the Snowbird Clinic in Salt Lake City, UT. He is an avid three putter.
Robert Eberhart '85 is currently in Portsmouth, NH. His practice is primarily hand and sports medicine. He reports that he was involved in an orthopedic mission to Guaynquil, Ecuador in October 2000. He and his wife Eileen have three children:Kristin (13), Eric (11), Max (7). He enjoys heli-skiing and golf.
Kenneth Kurica '85 recently opened a new spine center in Colorado Springs, CO. He also authored a spine patient education website, spineuniversity. com
Joseph Sklar '85 is practicing in Springfield, MA, with an interest in sports medicine.
Deborah Stanitski '85 is happy to report that she was able to resume her practice as Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina after her head injury in March 1999.
Samuel Gerber '86 is in practice in Lowell, MA, with appoint- ment as Adjunct Professor at U. Mass/Lowell. He also serves as a board examiner for the ABOS, and is the incoming President of the Massachusetts Orthopedic Association.
Frank Rand '86 continues to have an interest in adult spine and scoliosis surgery. He currently is based at the New England Baptist Hospital in Boston.
Kevin Stone '86 is practicing in San Francisco, CA. Visit his website at www. stoneclinic. com .
Gary Ackerman '87 continues to concentrate on his sports medicine practice in West Palm Beach, FL. He is proud to report the birth of his second daughter Sarah in September 2000, who joins her older sister Leah, now six.
Kenneth First '88 is in solo private practice in sports medicine, and is looking for a shoulder fellow. He and his wife Gina have a stepson Joseph (17), daughter Angela (2) and " one in the oven " Congratulations!
Brian Shaw '88 is Chief of Orthopedic Surgery and Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Valley Children 's Hospital in Madera, CA. He is Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSF-Fresno, and Chairman of the POSNA Committee on Health Policy. In his free time, he is farming 30 acres of figs and pistachios, and lending grazing land to his next-door neighbor for short-horn cattle grazing. His wife Lisa and 4 kids are breeding and training quarter horses.
Lorenzo Walker '88 is currently Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Orthopedics at UCLA Medical Center, and Director of The Hand Center of Ventura County, CA.
Daniel Berry '89 is at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. His orthopedic interests are in adult reconstructive surgery of the hip and knee.
Edward Cheng '89 writes from the U of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. He is happy to report the birth of his son Alexander in February 2001. Congratulations!
Robert Yancey '89 resides in Washington. He has been active in Orthopedics Overseas, traveling to Pakistan and Nepal in 1990, and to Vietnam in 2001.
1930  •  1940  •  1950  •  1960  •  1970  •  1980  •  1990  •  Fellows  •  Top of page
Richard Schwend '91 recently moved back to New Mexico with his family, and is currently Chief of Pediatric Orthopaedics at the U. of New Mexico, Carrie Tingley Hospital. He was also selected to be the Scoliosis Research Society 2001 Travelling Fellow to Asia.
Campbell Crawford '92 is currently in private practice in the Merrimack Valley of northern MA. His partners are Thomas Hoerner '83 and Eric Arvidson '90 . He reports that they carry on Dr. James Kasser 's tradition of " education through service. "
Brian Snyder '92 is Acting Director at the Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratory, Beth Israel Hospital and continues to integrate basic science with clinical orthopaedics.
Robert Bernstein '93 is at Shriners Hospital for Children in Los Angeles, CA. His interests are in pediatric spinal deformity, limb deficiency and arthrogryposis. He reports the birth of his son Noah on January 1, 2001. Congratulations!
John Flynn '94 is currently on academic staff at Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia. He writes, " The real focus, though, is 4 great kids, ages 2-9. "
David Kramer '94 currently lives in Ridgefield, CT with wife Leslie and daughters Caroline (4)and Jennifer (2). He practices as a spine specialist in a ten-man group practice, which includes Mike Brand '90 .
Keith Mankin '94 recently " survived the big move south " and reports he is well settled in Raleigh, NC.
Jim Spak '97 is in general practice in Trumbull, CT, with an emphasis on sports medicine, after completing his sports medicine fellowship at South Lake Tahoe, CA with Randy Watson. He has two daughters, Emily, age 5 and Amanda, age 2.
Christopher Chiodo '99 returned to the Brigham and Women 's Hospital to join Michael Wilson on the Foot and Ankle service after completing his fellowship with Dr. Mark Meyerson in Baltimore. He and his wife Lynne are happy to report the birth of twin daughters, Laura and Grace, in March of 2000. Congratulations!
Young-Jo Kim '99 has returned on staff at Children 's Hospital after completing his fellowship in pediatric orthopaedics, and is specializing in pediatric hip disorders.
Stephen Rodrigue '99 practices in Bangor, ME with clinical interests in complex reconstruction of hip and knee, spine trauma and pelvic/acetabular trauma.
1930  •  1940  •  1950  •  1960  •  1970  •  1980  •  1990  •  Fellows  •  Top of page
Richard Coutts '71 (Joint Reconstruction, MGH)is currently at UC San Diego. He has served as Chairman of the OREF and President of the ORS. He has an active research program in cartilage tissue engineering.
Paul Dell '76 (Hand, MGH)continues with hand and micro- surgery, his areas of interest. He reports he was recently swimming with the great white shark. . .
William McGann '84 (Joint Reconstruction, MGH)was recent- ly appointed Chief of Orthopaedics, St. Mary 's Hospital, San Francisco, and also serves as Chief of Training, San Francisco Orthopaedic Residency Program.
Glenn Buterbaugh '85 (Hand, MGH)is medical director of Western Pennsylvania Surgery Center, a free-standing facility. Harry Rubash '85 (Joint Reconstruction, MGH)is Chief of Orthopaedics at the MGH.
Douglas Avelia '86 (Pediatrics, MGH)practices in New Jersey, with an interest in pediatric orthopaedics and spinal implant development.
Gary Pess '87 (Hand, MGH)is managing partner of his private practice group in central New Jersey. He recently developed a percutaneous trigger finger knife with Michael Dunn MD, which is produced by Biomet.
Luke Vaughan '87 (Oncology, MGH)is Clinical Associate Professor at UC San Diego. His clinical interests include pelvic reconstruction, allograft-prosthesis composites, and revision joint surgery.
1930  •  1940  •  1950  •  1960  •  1970  •  1980  •  1990  •  Fellows  •  Top of page

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