The Golfer's Shoulder
David H. Kim MD, Peter J. Millett MD MSc, Jon JP Warner MD
Golf has become increasingly popular, with an estimated
37 million participants and 518 million rounds played in 2001
in the United States alone2. With improved golf equipment,
the abundance of golf courses, and expanded media coverage
—what other sport has its own dedicated 24 hour cable
network?—golf is more accessible to the general public than
ever before.
Because of this growing population, we can expect to see
more patients present with golf-related injuries. The purpose
of this article is to review the current literature pertaining to
shoulder conditions affecting golfers and to provide a foundation
for evaluating and treating shoulder problems in this particular
patient population.
The shoulder represents the third most commonly injured
area for professional golfers, behind the lumbar spine and the
wrist/hand17. For amateur golfers, the shoulder is the fourth
most commonly affected site, trailing the lumbar spine, the
elbow, and the wrist/hand17. The majority of the time, the lead
or non-dominant, arm is involved. Professional or elite-level
golfers often sustain overuse injuries as a result of repeated
swings during frequent practice sessions16, sometimes up to
2000 or more swings per week13. In contrast, amateur golfers
usually injure themselves because of poor swing mechanics23.
Biomechanics/EMG Studies
To effectively understand the shoulder problems which
afflict golfers, one must understand the biomechanics of the
normal golf swing and the dynamic forces created by the
shoulder girdle. The golf swing is traditionally divided into five
segments: 1. Takeaway(from address until club is horizontal to
ground), 2. Backswing (horizontal club to top of backswing), 3.
Downswing (from top of back swing until club is horizontal),
4. Acceleration (from horizontal club to impact), 5. Followthrough
(from ball contact until end of swing)21. Golfers may
give a history of symptoms which occur only during a specific
part of the swing.
In the classic studies by Jobe et al.12 and later by Pink et al.21,
the relative activity of the rotator cuff muscles during the golf
swing of professional golfers using electromyography (EMG)
and high-speed photography was examined. They found that
the supraspinatus and infraspinatus demonstrated relatively
low, synchronized activity throughout the swing, specifically
during takeaway and late follow-through, and concluded that
these muscles act as abductors and external rotators to primarily
help to stabilize the glenohumeral joint. The subscapularis
was the most active of the rotator cuff muscles, showing
activity during most of the swing, but especially during the
acceleration phase of the swing. The latissimus dorsi and the
pectoralis major are the major contributors to the golf swing,
with the latissimus dorsi acting maximally earlier in
the swing and the pectoralis major responding later
in the swing. Finally, the deltoid is conspicuously
quiet, except for the anterior deltoid which is most
active during the follow-through phases of the swing,
acting as a flexor of the arm.
These important studies have not only helped us
to appreciate the relative contributions of the muscles
of the shoulder girdle but have also served as a guide
to better understand the pathoanatomic mechanisms for golfing
shoulder injuries. Moreover, this information has served
as a basis for the training, swing mechanics improvement, and
rehabilitation programs involving selective strengthening of the
rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers12.
Rotator Cuff/Subacromial Impingement/Acromioclavicular Joint
Although not strictly an overhead sport, golf still requires
an element of humeral elevation and rotation to perform a
mechanically sound swing. It is usually at the extremes of range
of motion (such as at top of the backswing or the end of follow-through)
when patients experience symptoms. Moreover,
patients with rotator cuff disease may be weak during initial
takeaway and this could perpetuate poor swing mechanics.
In a review of 412 patients with golf-related injuries, 85
patients had shoulder symptoms and 79 patients (93%) demonstrated
rotator cuff or subacromial disease12. A case report
has described a professional golfer with anterior and posterior
internal impingement occurring at the top of the backswing
and the end of follow-though, associated with a partial rotator
cuff tear13. This entity was treated with arthroscopic subacromial
decompression and debridement of the rotator cuff and
labrum, and the patient returned to competitive play.
Another recent study24 examined 29 recreational golfers,
average 60 years of age, with subacromial disease and rotator
cuff tears. At average follow-up of 3 years following acromioplasty
and rotator cuff repair, all but 3 patients returned to playing
golf with no difference in handicaps or driving distance.
The authors concluded that rotator cuff repair and acromioplasty
predictably allow most recreational golfers to return to
pain-free golf at a similar competitive level.
Another study15 reviewed 35 professional or low-handicap
golfers with shoulder pain and observed acromioclavicular joint
disease (53%) to be the most common cause of the pain, followed
by rotator cuff tendinitis and impingement (26%). The
majority of golfers experienced symptoms at the top of the
backswing, when the lead arm is placed in maximal cross-body
adduction and when forces across the acromioclavicular joint
are high3. All but one golfer were able to return to competitive
golf after appropriate treatment, mostly consisting of physical
therapy and swing modification.
To generate power during the swing, elite-level golfers will
attempt to maximize their shoulder turn relative to their hip
turn4,19. This maneuver often requires a great deal of shoulder
flexibility, and some golfers may even demonstrate hyperlaxity.
Due to overuse and repetitive microtrauma, capsular and labral
structures often become injured or attenuated13.
Mallon et al.15 described a 12% incidence of posterior instability
in their series of 35 professional and competitive golfers
with shoulder pain. In a recent retrospective review by Hovis
et al.10, eight elite level golfers were noted to have posterior
instability of the lead shoulder with associated secondary subacromial
impingement. At an average of 4.5 years follow-up,
all golfers returned to the same level of competitive play. Two
patients were treated nonoperatively, and six patients underwent
arthroscopic posterior thermal capsulorrhaphy and subacromial
decompression when appropriate. The authors noted
that the golfers described a sensation of pain and instability at
the top of the backswing when the lead arm was fully adducted
across the body. This correlated with physical examination
findings of posterior instability during the "load-and-shift"
test9 and posterior apprehension with loading. They hypothesized
that because EMG analysis has demonstrated a relative
dominance of the subscapularis muscle compared to the other
rotator cuff muscles during the swing12,21, the glenohumeral
joint may be rendered susceptible to posteriorly directed forces
with fatigue.
Anterior instability can also occur in the golfer. In theory,
the leading arm would be vulnerable at the end of the followthrough
phase of the swing, when the arm is in maximal abduction
and external rotation. This has been described in a case
report involving a professional golfer presenting with anterior
shoulder pain and demonstrating primarily anterior instability
on physical examination. After a failed trial of nonoperative
management, an open anterior capsulolabral reconstruction
was performed, and the patient resumed playing on the tour
at one year postoperatively13. Anterior instability can be treated
by arthroscopic methods6,8,14,18, but there have been no clinical
studies in the golfing population to support this technique.
Labrum/Biceps Disease
Although much more common in overhead throwing
athletes1,5,7, superior labral lesions and biceps tendon disorders
can occur in golfers. Anterior and posterior superior labrum
(SLAP) fraying secondary to internal impingement has been
described in a case report involving a professional golfer13.
After failed nonoperative treatment, arthroscopic debridement
and modification to a shorter backswing allowed this patient
to return to competitive golf. Otherwise, there have been no
studies in the literature reporting the incidence, treatment, or
outcomes of SLAP lesions or biceps tendon disorders in golfers.
Our personal experience confirms that these disorders do
occur in both recreational and low-handicap golfers and can be
treated successfully.
It is estimated that approximately 25% of the golfers in the
United States are age 65 or older22. As our population ages, we
can expect this number to increase. Degenerative joint disease
is also prevalent in this age group, and many of these patients
are avid golfers. In the previously cited series of 35 professional
and competitive golfers with shoulder pain, there was a 3% incidence
of glenohumeral arthritis15.
In a retrospective review of 24 recreational golfers who
underwent shoulder arthroplasty, 23 patients were able to
resume playing golf at an average of 4.5 months postoperatively
and eighteen of these patients improved their scores by almost
five strokes at an average of 53 months follow-up11. None of
the patients reported significant pain or demonstrated evidence
of component loosening. Interestingly, these same authors
polled fifty members of the American Shoulder and Elbow
Society, and most surgeons (91%) allow shoulder arthroplasty
patients to resume playing golf at an average of 4.3 months
postoperatively without observations of component loosening.
Almost 60% of the surgeons polled felt that no limits should be
placed on the patients and more than 70% believed that component
wear would not be a problem in these patients.
A review of our shoulder arthroplasty golfers (unpublished
data) reveals that most are able to return to playing and are
very satisfied with their postoperative level of play. We have
not noted any increased radiographic evidence of component
loosening. While no published studies have examined the joint
reactive forces on the glenohumeral joint in golfers, we have
found that these patients appear to tolerate the golf swing
quite well, especially if the resurfaced shoulder is the non-lead
or trailing arm. We allow our shoulder arthroplasty patients
to play golf without any limitations provided they do not have
symptoms. Putting may start at 6-8 weeks postoperatively,
chipping at 10-12 weeks, and hitting iron shots can begin at
3 months, provided range of motion and strength goals are
met. Patients can then begin hitting long irons and woods at 4
months and begin playing a full round at 5 to 6 months if they
are comfortable doing so.
The initial management of shoulder injuries in golfers
always starts with a focused rehabilitation program. The tenets
of the program are often based on the biomechanical and electromyographic
studies previously described3,12,21. For example,
golfers with posterior instability would concentrate on strengthening
scapular stabilizers, especially the serratus anterior, as
well as the supraspinatus and infraspinatus10. In contrast,
those golfers with subacromial impingement and rotator cuff
tendinitis would focus on posterior shoulder stretching and
rotator cuff strengthening exercises as well as possibly including
an anterior deltoid strengthening program21. Moreover,
latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major muscle strengthening
should be emphasized.
In addition, any swing flaws should be addressed. This
may involve a coordinated effort with a teaching professional
and retooling the mechanics of the entire swing, or by simply
shortening the backswing or follow-through to diminish forces
placed on the shoulder in these positions3,13.
A multidisciplinary approach employing the skills of a
physiatrist, physical therapist, and teaching professional has
been described20 and reported to be highly effective in returning
golfers to their previous level of play and in preventing
future injury.
Golf is a sport to be appreciated by all. With a good
understanding of the mechanics and the basic science of the
golf swing, we can diagnose and treat a majority of shoulder
injuries sustained by both recreational and elite-level golfers.
Whether treatment consists of a focused, team-approach
rehabilitation program or a careful, diagnosis-specific surgical
procedure, we can help these patients return to playing a sport
they truly enjoy.
Dr. Kim is a Clinical Fellow, Harvard Shoulder Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Dr. Millett is an Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School, and Attending Physician, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
Dr. Warner is Chief of the Harvard Shoulder Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Address correspondence to: David H. Kim, MD Department of Orthopaedics Massachusetts General Hospital 275 Cambridge Street POB 403 Boston, MA 02114
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