Advances in the Management of Fractures of the Distal Humerus and their Sequelae
L. Pearce McCarty MD, David Ring MD, Jesse B. Jupiter MD
Articular fractures of the elbow remain among the most
challenging injuries to treat. However, greater appreciation
of the functional anatomy of the elbow, injury patterns, and
technological advances in internal fixation and arthroplasty
have substantially improved the potential for more functional
outcomes. This review will highlight a number of contemporary
issues related to fractures of the distal humerus and
their sequelae, with particular emphasis on the contribution
of the Orthopaedic Hand Service at the Massachusetts General
Two factors are noteworthy in evaluating the incidence of
fractures of the distal humerus. First, although distal humerus
fractures are relatively uncommon, they demand technically
difficult operative treatment, often with relatively high morbidity.
As a result, clinical resource utilization in contemporary
treatment algorithms is disproportionately greater than their
incidence. Secondly, there has been a substantial increase in
the number of these fractures occurring in older, osteoporotic
patients. A Finnish study by Palvanen et al. reported that in
1970, the incidence of distal humerus fractures in women
greater than 60 years of age was 12 per 100,000, whereas in
1995, the incidence was 28 per 100,000. Their data suggested
a trend that would see a threefold increase in complex distal
humerus fractures by 20301. Distal humerus fractures in
osteoporotic patients are also more complex. This notion is
supported by a study by Pajarinev and Bjorkenheim, in which
good or excellent results occurred in all 8 patients 40 years or
younger, while only 2 of 10 patients greater than 50 years in age
had satisfactory results with comparable operative treatment2.
Functional Anatomy
The importance of the anatomic relationships of the
trochlea to the olecranon in providing elbow stability has been
highlighted in our experience with shearing articular fractures
of the distal humerus3,4. Recognition and anatomic restoration
of fractures involving the trochlea has resulted in predictable
functional results without subsequent instability or arthrosis.
While the Comprehensive Classification of the AO/ASIF5 as
well as that of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association has been
well accepted worldwide for articular fractures, the complex
anatomy of the distal humerus has required additional fracture
definitions. The classification of Mehne and Matta, published in
Skeletal Trauma6, provides a definition of the articular fracture
based on its articular and skeletal involvement. Additionally, we
have identified a unique pattern of injury, termed "multiplane"
fracture, in which the trochlea is disrupted in both the sagittal
and coronal planes7.
What has been of particular importance is our new classification
of shearing fractures of the distal humerus. In our
initial report on these injuries, we identified a shearing fracture
involving the capitellum and trochlea, termed the "coronal
shear" fracture4. We have expanded this classification to
include six specific patterns of injury (Figure 1.)3.
Operative Treatment
Contemporary issues regarding operative treatment
include preoperative planning, surgical exposures, methods of
internal fixation, management of the ulnar nerve, and indications
for primary total elbow arthroplasty.
Preoperative Planning
It is well recognized that articular fractures of the distal
humerus are not well visualized with standard radiographs.
Three-dimensional reconstructions of computed tomography
scans have provided a major advance in the radiographic analysis
of these injuries. We now use these routinely, particularly
with images of the ulna and radius digitally subtracted. Threedimensional
reconstruction also permits visualization of the
fracture pattern from multiple vantage points, as the image
can be rotated about a central axis in coronal, sagittal and axial
planes (Figure 2).
Surgical Exposures
Concern regarding the potential complications of olecranon
osteotomy has stimulated some authors to recommend triceps-
splitting approaches, such as that described by8 Campbell,
or triceps-reflecting approaches, such as those described by
Bryan and Morrey9 and O'Driscoll10.
We have utilized the olecranon osteotomy for a number
of years and have found that with attention to certain details,
superb exposure of the distal humerus is possible with few
complications. Chevron osteotomy with a thin blade in the
midsubstance of the olecranon, reapproximation with obliquely
placed Kirschner wires carefully bent in a 90-90 shape and
driven into the proximal ulna, and double loops of thin stainless
steel tension-band wires will minimize most of the reported
complications. Presented at the American Society of Surgery
of the Hand in 2001, our experience with 45 consecutive osteotomies
resulted in no cases of olecranon nonunion. Hardware
removal needed in only six patients (Figure 3)11.
We have also developed an extended lateral approach that
provides outstanding exposure to the majority of articular
shearing fractures3. By elevating the lateral head of the triceps
and reflecting a fractured or osteotomized lateral epicondyle
proximally, the elbow can be hinged open providing nearly full
exposure of the distal articular segment (Figure 4).
The Ulnar Nerve
We have long recognized the importance of the ulnar
nerve in the outcome of operatively repaired distal humerus
fractures12-14. Careful exposure and mobilization of the nerve
at least 6 centimeters proximal and distal to the cubital tunnel,
resection of the distal, medial intermuscular septum, and
splitting of the flexor carpi ulnaris head minimize the potential
for local fibrosis and resultant compressive neuropathy. Early
postoperative ulnar neuritis and pain can result in precipitous
loss of motion. If recognized early, surgical decompression can
restore a functional outcome15.
Internal Fixation
Internal fixation of fractures of the distal humerus has traditionally
consisted of plate and screws placed along the skeletal
columns at different angles to each other. Previously, we suggested
that additional fixation could be achieved with addition
of even a third plate (Figure 5)13.
The advent of plates incorporating screws with threaded
heads that "lock" into the holes of the plate has added a new
dimension to fixation in osteopenic bone. We are currently part
of task force to create a set of implants that are pre-contoured,
offer locking screws, and come in a variety of shapes to accommodate
the skeletal columns of the distal humerus (Figure 6).
This concept of anatomic pre-contouring has been shown to
have useful application with similar implants developed by
O'Driscoll at the Mayo Clinic.
Total Elbow Arthroplasty
In cases of highly comminuted articular fractures in a lowdemand,
osteoporotic elderly patients or fractures occuring in
elbow with pre-existing inflammatory joint destruction, the
experienced surgeon may decide that the distal humerus is not
reconstructable. Total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) using a semiconstrained
prosthesis has been shown in several studies to be
effective primary treatment, at least in the short term25,26,27.
The disadvantages of total elbow arthroplasty for acute
fractures include the functional restrictions imposed upon the
patient, the risk of serious complications such as infection, and
the potential for failure of prosthetic articulations with the possible
need for revision. We use infirmity and activity level rather
than age when considering total elbow arthroplasty for fracture
treatment. Our service has been part of a multicenter trial of a
new total elbow prosthesis designed by Hastings and Graham.
Loss of motion is common after fractures of the distal
humerus. Elbow capsulectomy can often restore motion. We
recently reviewed the senior author's (JBJ) experience with
elbow capsulectomy for post-traumatic elbow stiffness. One-fifth of the
patients required a second procedure, but motion was improved in most
patients. Final function and upper extremity-specific health status were
related to ongoing dysfunction of the ulnar nerve and to secondary gain, but
not to elbow motion or arthrosis16. We have also reviewed the senior
author's (JBJ) experience in the release of total bony ankylosis of the
elbow after trauma or severe burns. In both situations, the majority of elbows
regained functional motion; however, there were several elbows in each
group with recurrent contracture and limited motion despite
several surgical procedures. There were no major complications
in spite of the complexity and risk of the surgery17.
Ulnar Neuropathy
Ulnar neuropathy is an important source of problems
after elbow trauma, and particularly after fractures of the distal
humerus. The ulnar nerve can be damaged at the time of the
original injury or during surgical treatment. Nerve compression
can occur in relation to swelling, scarring, implants,
heterotopic bone, or arthrosis. Ulnar neuropathy can cause
weakness and numbness, and it may be an important contributor
to stiffness and pain. One should pay particular attention
to the ulnar nerve in the post-operative management of distal
humerus fractures. McKee et al.14 showed that neurolysis and
transposition in patients with ulnar neuropathy following
operative treatment of distal humerus fractures can result in
significant relief in symptoms and improvement in function.
Nonunion of the distal humerus after open reduction and
internal fixation (ORIF) is a rare complication with an incidence
ranging from 2% to 10%. It is seen most commonly in the
supracondylar region18. Nonunion can be devastating, leading
to a painful, flail extremity. In low-demand, elderly individuals
with poor or severely deficient bone stock, total elbow arthroplasty
represents a reasonable salvage option19.
Morrey and Adams20 reviewed the results of a series of
thirty-six distal humeral nonunions treated with total elbow
arthroplasty using the Coonrad-Morrey semiconstrained prosthesis.
With a mean age of 68 years and mean follow-up of 504.
months, the authors reported 86% excellent or good results and
an average arc of motion from 16° to 127° degrees. Five out
of the thirty-six were flail elbows, and all of these were stable at
the time of last follow-up. Seven patients (18%) experienced
serious complications, including deep infection, particulate
synovitis and ulnar nerve palsy.
Two recent series by Helfet and Rosen21 and Jupiter22,
however, demonstrate that treatment of distal humeral delayed
unions and nonunions with revision ORIF can be expected to
have a high rate of success as long as the surgeon adheres to
certain basic principles. First, revision ORIF must include
complete mobilization of the affected joint. This requires
meticulous release of all soft tissue contractures limiting elbow
motion such that undue stress is not placed upon the fixation
construct during post-operative rehabilitation. The importance
of complete soft tissue release cannot be overemphasized.
Second, one must provide stable fixation at the fracture
site. As discussed earlier, a variety of plate constructs can be
used to achieve this common goal, but the fixation must be
secure enough to permit early post-operative motion. Third,
the surgeon should make ample use of autogenous bone grafting
in order to optimize the biologic milieu for osteosynthesis.
Finally, the ulnar nerve should be routinely transposed and if
previously transposed, should undergo neurolysis to prevent
post-operative neuropathy.
Helfet et al.21 reported on a series of 52 patients with
delayed unions or nonunions of the distal humerus, ages 16
to 88 years, who underwent revision ORIF. A union rate of
98% was observed, with a 29% incidence of reoperation. The
most commonly encountered indication for reoperation was
painful hardware. Autologous bone grafting was used in 46 of
52 cases.
In Jupiter's series of 40 patients, the nonunion rate
was 10% and good functional results were obtained in most
patients. In a subset of 15 very complex patients with flail
elbows, 12 patients went on to radiographic union (Figure 7).
Among the twelve patients who healed, five (42%) underwent a
second operation, the most common indication for which was
soft tissue contracture22.
Even in very complex nonunions, the native elbow can
usually be preserved. Total elbow arthroplasty is used in lowdemand,
infirm patients and as a salvage procedure for ultimately
unsuccessful attempts to gain union.
Intraarticular fractures of the distal humerus in adults
present a challenging situation to the treating surgeon. The
elbow is vital as fulcrum for positioning the hand in space
and functionally does not tolerate loss of motion or instability.
Anatomic reduction of the distal humeral articular surface, followed
by stable fixation to the diaphysis, offers patients the best
chance at return to independent function.
L. Pearce McCarty, III MD is a Resident, Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program, Boston, MA.
David Ring, MD, is an Instructor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Director of Research, Hand and Upper Extremity Service, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital.
Jesse B. Jupiter, MD, is a Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Chief, Hand and Upper Extremity Service, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Massachusetts General Hospital.
Address correspondence to: David Ring, MD Massachusetts General Hospital ACC 525 15 Parkman St. Boston, MA 02114 Tel: 617-724-3953 Fax: 617-726-8214 Email:
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