Radiostereometric Analysis (RSA) Studies at Massachusetts General Hospital
Charles R. Bragdon, Mary C. O'Keefe, William H. Harris MD
Radiostereometric analysis (RSA) was developed by Selvik
et al. as a method for performing very accurate three-dimensional
measurements in vivo over time from sequential radiographs37,38. This technique has been used for over twenty years
to assess growth plate integrity1,10-12,15,18-20,35, total joint replacement
implant stability 24,25,27,36,39, spinal fusion stability16,17,34, as
well as in kinematic studies of the knee, spine, and shoulder3,13,14,22,23,26,28,29,31-33,36,42.
The RSA method utilizes dual simultaneous radiographs
in conjunction with a calibration cage. The calibration cage
contains a number of 1.0mm tantalum beads held in fixed,
well-defined positions which allows construction of a threedimensional
coordinate system. Additional tantalum bead
markers are placed in the body segments to be studied. A pair
of radiographs is taken with the patient in front of the cage with
the x-ray sources positioned at an approximately forty degree
angle (Figure 1). Analyzing the radiographic film pairs using an
interactive software package, the three-dimensional position of
each in vivo marker can be calculated and then each group of
markers is treated as a three-dimensional rigid body segment.
Relative displacements between two segments can then be calculated
from sequential pairs of radiographs.
Experimental Hip Phantom Studies
Due to its high accuracy, RSA is considered the best technique for
measuring femoral head penetration into polyethylene acetabular components
in vivo. This penetration is a result of both plastic deformation of the
polyethylene component as well as the wear of the material occurring at
the articulation. However, due to the many variable parameters which
can affect the outcome of an RSA study, a physical model which
could be used to evaluate these parameters individually is needed.
We have developed a phantom total hip replacement model
in order to quantify the accuracy and precision of RSA and used
it to evaluate methods of bead placement, radiographic methods,
as well as to evaluate two commonly used RSA software
packages9. The hip phantom is shown in Figure 2.
Femoral head penetration can be simulated by moving the
femoral head accurately in each plane in discrete increments.
Five image pairs were taken before any motion occurred.
Motion was first performed in the medial direction, moving
50µm, 100µm, 150µm and finally 200µm into the acetabular
component, followed by sequential posterior displacement of
50µm, 100µm, 150µm and 200µm, and thereafter followed by
sequential motion in the superior direction using the same distances
of 50µm, 100µm, 150µm and 200µm. This group of displacements
represents one data set of the phantom. In order to
calculate accuracy and precision, five data sets were created.
Using this phantom, we have shown that the accuracy of
the radiostereometric analysis in this optimal experimental setup
was 33µm for the medial direction, 22µm for the superior
direction, 86µm for the posterior direction, and 55µm for the
resultant three-dimensional vector length. The corresponding
precision at the 95% confidence interval measured 8.4µm for
the medial direction, 5.5µm for the superior direction, 16.0µm
for the posterior direction and 13.5µm for the resultant threedimensional
vector length9.
We have also compared the use of conventional plain
radiographs to digital DICOM images. The accuracy and precision
values resulting from the analysis of the digital films
were consistently better than that resulting from the use of
the conventional films. For both the conventional and digital
radiographic methods, the poorest accuracy and precision values
were for the posterior, out-of-plane vector.
There are two widely used software packages that have
been developed for RSA analysis: the UmRSA™ package developed
by Biomedical Innovations AB, Umeå, Sweden7,21, and the
RSA-CMS, (RSA Clinical Measurement Solution) developed at
the University of Leiden, The Netherlands2,41. The accuracy and
precision using the two different software systems was evaluated
by using the same five sets of digital examinations. The
accuracy values resulting from the RSA-CMS™ analysis were
two times worse than those resulting from the analysis of the
same films using the UmRSA™ software8.
Finally, we have evaluated two different methods for marking
the acetabular component in preparation for a clinical study.
We used specially designed towers secured to the metal shell to
hold the tantalum beads as well as placing a series of beads into
the peripheral flange of the polyethylene insert. We found that
there was no significant difference in the data resulting from
the two different configurations of the tantalum markers8.
Clinical Studies
The first clinical studies using RSA in North America have
been initiated at Massachusetts General Hospital. Two studies
are underway which are designed to evaluate the in vivo wear
performance of a new form of highly crosslinked polyethylene
acetabular component used in total hip replacement surgery.
Each study has two patient groups. One group receives highly
crosslinked acetabular components in conjunction with a
28mm cobalt chrome femoral head. The other group receives
highly crosslinked acetabular components coupled with larger
diameter femoral heads (36mm or 38mm) than have been routinely
used in the past. These studies are designed to follow the
groups of patients over a period of five years. An example of a
RSA clinical radiograph is shown in Figure 3.
Experimental Knee Kinematic Studies
Knee kinematics following total knee replacement surgery
is dependant in large measure on the design of the implants.
Some knee components are designed to limit anterior/posterior
translation and rotation. Others are designed to enhance
mobility and increase the amount of functional knee flexion.
Moreover, the resulting kinematics for a particular implant
design are known to be quite variable among patients. Many
efforts have been made to develop techniques to measure knee
kinematics in vivo more accurately. Two approaches have been
widely used: one uses radiographic images obtained with fluoroscopy
and calculates three dimensional relative motion by
matching the projected profile of the implant with the computerized
implant geometry4-6,30. The other uses RSA to calculate
relative displacements from a series of radiographic film pairs22,28,29,40.
To date, no standardized method has been developed
to judge the accuracy of these techniques for measuring knee
joint kinematics.
We have developed an in vitro model of a total knee
replacement which is capable of accurate three-dimensional
motions. With this model, we have begun to evaluate the
RSA method of measuring knee joint kinematics. The knee
phantom model was constructed using NK-II femoral and tibial
components (Centerpulse Orthopaedics, Austin, TX). A mock
left femur was machined from Plexiglas with the appropriately
machined cuts to receive a size three left femoral component.
The distal femur was held in a separate Plexiglas frame by
passing a half-inch Plexiglas dowel thru the hole in the distal
femur. Flexion/extension of the femur occurred around the
half-inch dowel. The femoral construct could be fixed at any
angle of flexion by fixation to the surrounding frame. A digital
inclinometer, accurate to 0.1°, was used to measure the flexion
angle relative to full extension. A sawbones proximal tibia was
used to hold the tibial component. This was secured to a rotary
table with rotation which was accurate to 1.0 degree. This in
turn was mounted to an x, y, z table in order to control the
proximal/distal positioning of the tibia and anterior/posterior
translation (Figure 4). Motions in the medial/lateral plane and
medial/lateral tilt were not simulated. A displacement protocol
was developed to simulate flexion of the knee from full extension
to 75° of flexion and back to neutral in twelve steps, while
simultaneously simulating the internal/external rotation, and
anterior/posterior translation.
For RSA evaluation, 1.0mm tantalum markers were placed
in the distal femur, the proximal tibia and the side of the polyethylene
liner. Simultaneous radio-pairs were obtained for each
of the twelve displacements using the RSA cage, and the RSA
analysis was performed using the UmRSA Biomedical software
package. Relative displacements were calculated by using the
first film pair as the reference. The error was calculated by
subtracting the value measured by RSA from the actual known
There was good agreement between the actual displacement
and the measurements of displacements measured by
RSA for flexion, rotation and translation. For flexion, the error
values ranged from 0.05 - 1.85 degrees, resulting in an average
flexion error of 0.78 ± 0.95 degrees. For internal/external rotation,
the error values ranged from 0.15 - 0.92 degrees resulting
in an average rotational error of 0.52 ± 0.30 degrees. Finally,
for the translation, the error values ranged from 0.29 2.0 millimeters
resulting in an average translation error of 0.37 ± 1.26
Radiostereometric analysis (RSA) is a powerful tool for
clinical assessment. The initial focus of our studies has been to
assess the performance of two designs of acetabular implants
which utilize a newly developed highly crosslinked polyethylene.
Likewise, the use of this new polyethylene in total knee
arthroplasty may allow for innovative designs to be introduced
for clinical use. These types of early clinical follow-up studies
are a critical part of evidence-based medicine when new materials
or implant designs are introduced for clinical use. Also
important in clinical analysis are joint kinematic studies as
well as implant stability studies using RSA. In order to address
this a physical knee phantom for assessing various methods of
measuring knee joint kinematics has been developed.
Our preliminary study has shown good agreement
between the actual displacements of the knee phantom and
that measured from radiographic pairs using RSA. Our results
show the marker configuration used in this study appears to be
adequate for kinematic analysis in a clinical setting. Finally, the
capacity of performing RSA studies following spinal surgery,
shoulder arthroplasty, and other orthopaedic procedures is now
Mr. Bragdon is Research Project Manager, Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Biomaterials Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital
Ms. OKeefe is a Research Technologist, Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Biomaterials Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Harris is Alan Gerry Clinical Professor of Orthopaedics, Harvard Medical School and Director, Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Biomaterials Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital
Corresponding author: Charles R. Bragdon Jackson 1206 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114 Phone (617) 724-7544 Fax# (617) 726-3883 Email: cbragdon@partners.org
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