Mechanisms of Acute Tissue Degradation Following In Vitro Cartilage Injury
Michael A. DiMicco PhD, Alan J. Grodzinsky ScD, Young-Jo Kim, MD PhD
Introduction: Injury and Cartilage Degeneration
Degenerative joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis (OA),
result in degradation of articular cartilage, characterized by
release of structural components from the tissue and subsequent
loss of tissue integrity and mechanical properties1. While
the precise etiology of OA is unknown, its prevalence increases
with age. Consistent with observations that the mechanical
environment of cartilage influences its cellular biosynthesis2,3,
abnormalities in joint loading, such as those due to obesity,
joint laxity, or altered joint geometries (e.g., dysplasia4), have
also been recognized as predictors of OA5.
Traumatic joint injury has also been postulated to be a
precursor of OA development, though the long-term evolution
from joint injury to a disease state is poorly understood. In the
hours following injury, the level of degradative enzymes such as
stromelysin (matrix metalloproteinase-3; MMP-3) in the synovial
fluid increases up to 40-fold over normal levels, and elevated
levels of MMP-3 persist for up to 20 years following injury6-8.
Further analysis of post-injury synovial fluid reveals fragments
of cartilage proteoglycans that appear to be cleaved by MMPs
and aggrecanases and are similar in structure to the proteolytic
fragments observed in joint fluids of patients with OA9-11.
Because joint injury is a complex phenomenon, involving
high amplitudes and complex modes of loading, and potentially,
multiple joint tissues, in vitro models of acute cartilage injury
have been developed by several groups to allow more precise
control of the tissue geometry, loading patterns, and incubation
conditions. The parameters used in “injurious compression”
experiments vary, but in vitro cartilage injury generally
results in cell death (necrosis, apoptosis, or both), release of
cartilage proteoglycans, increased tissue water content and
swelling, decreasing mechanical functionality, and increased
sensitivity to cytokines12-17, characteristics reminiscent of early
stages of degenerative joint disease1. Although OA progression
in vivo occurs over a period of years, these injury-induced
changes can appear on a relatively short (hours to days) time
scale following in vitro injury. It is possible that the short-term
effects of applied loading may involve direct damage to the
cartilage extracellular matrix, initiation of cell-mediated tissue
destruction, and accelerated transport of degraded matrix from
the tissue, any or all of which may be important in long-term
tissue changes.
The objective of our studies is to determine whether acute
release of cartilage matrix molecules during the first hours and
days after injury is mediated by cellular biosynthesis (of matrix
molecules and/or degradative enzymes), instigation of proteolytic
activity, mechanical disruption of the cartilage extracellular
matrix, or a combination of these. For this approach, we
have utilized an in vitro cartilage injury model, in which bovine
cartilage explants are subjected to compressive stress using an
incubator-housed loading apparatus18, then returned to freeswelling
culture (Figure 1). The condition of the cartilage is
then followed for several days post-injury, and the release of
matrix molecules to the culture medium is monitored by a
series of biochemical assays (Figure 2). Determination of the
injury-induced changes in cartilage composition and metabolism
could elucidate the progression from joint injury to jointscale
tissue degradation.
Cylindrical cartilage samples (3 mm diameter x 1 mm
thick) were prepared from the patellofemoral grooves of immature
bovine knee joints. Location-matched samples were distributed
among experimental groups, and cultured for 2-3 days
in medium (DMEM + 20 µg/mL ascorbate and antibiotics) with
10% fetal bovine serum. On Day 3, medium was changed to be
serum-free (medium with 1% ITS-A). For inhibitor experiments,
culture medium was also supplemented at this point with
inhibitors of protein translation (cycloheximide) or MMP activity
(one of two broad-spectrum hydroxamate MMP inhibitors:
GM600119 or CGS 27023A20), and the efficacy of these inhibitors
was tested in parallel experiments in free-swelling culture. In
injury studies, cartilage samples were allowed to equilibrate in
medium with or without inhibitors for 6 hours before being
subjected to either in vitro injury (1 uniaxial unconfined compression
to 50% thickness, at a strain rate of 1 mm/s, followed
by immediate release of load) or maintained in a free-swelling
state. Following compression, injured tissue was returned to
culture in fresh serum-free medium with or without inhibitors.
Culture media were collected and replaced at 24 and 72 hours
post-injury, and collected media were frozen before biochemical
analysis. To determine the effect of injury on protein and
glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis, media were supplemented at
various timepoints with radiolabeled precursors to these species
([3H]proline and [35S]sulfate, respectively).
On termination of cultures, tissue samples were processed
for analysis of radiolabel incorporation. Media samples were
assayed for content of sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG), as
an indicator of matrix release.
Application of this in vitro injurious compression protocol
generated peak stresses around 20 MPa within the tissue. Gross
inspection of the tissue samples immediately following compression
showed that ~50% of the samples had assumed an
ellipsoidal geometry, and this shape change persisted through
the remainder of the culture period. However, no sample was
observed to have macroscopic tissue fissuring after loading.
Staining of tissue with cell viability dyes indicated that
qualitatively, cell death in injured samples was localized predominantly
to the peripheral regions of the samples, where the
unconfined compression protocol induces high tissue tensile
strain and high fluid flow during compression21. Overall, sGAG
and protein biosynthesis was reduced in injured samples compared
to uninjured samples, which can be partially explained by
the observed decrease in cell viability.
Inspection of conditioned culture medium revealed that
sGAG was released from both free-swelling and injured cartilage,
with much higher rates of release from injured samples.
The appearance of sGAG in the culture medium of noninjured
samples is thought to be reflective of normal matrix turnover
mediated by the cells within the tissue. During the first 24
hours after injury, the amount of sGAG released to the culture
medium was approximately twice that released from uninjured
samples over the same time period, and amounted to approximately
5% of the total tissue content. Closer inspection revealed
that the rate of sGAG release was higher during the first 4 hours
than during the next 24 hours. The nearly-immediate nature of
this matrix release suggested the possibility that injury-induced
mechanical damage may be a mediator of short-term cartilage
matrix degradation. Furthermore, the presence of inhibitors of
protein translation and MMP activity were unable to reduce the
matrix release during this time period.
During the subsequent 48 hours, the amount of sulfated
GAG released to the culture medium from injured cartilage
approximated that from uninjured samples. However, unlike
in the most acute case, sGAG release from injured cartilage
during this period was sensitive to the inclusion of inhibitors
in the culture medium. Inhibition of protein translation using
cycloheximide had no effect, but one of the two MMP inhibitors
(CGS 27023A) reduced sGAG release by 20% compared
to injured but untreated controls, while having no discernible
effect on the magnitudes of protein or glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis.
Discussion and Ongoing Work
Taken together, the preliminary results of this work suggest
that in the hours after cartilage injury, the release of structural
matrix components from cartilage to the surroundings may be
predominantly an effect of mechanical damage to the cartilage,
rather than to cell-mediated processes. Measurements at early
timepoints after injury indicate a burst of sGAG release, followed
by slower matrix degradation. The lack of effect of inhibitors
of protein translation and matrix metalloproteinase activity
in the acute post-injury phase further supports a mechanism
based on mechanical damage.
However, the effect of the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor
CGS 27023A at later timepoints suggests that the activity
of catabolic enzymes may be important in the longer-term
response to injury. It is interesting to note that inhibitors of
protein translation did not reduce sGAG release during this
time period, which implies that the catabolic activity inhibited
by CGS 27023A may be due to a population of latent MMPs
present in the matrix prior to injury, rather than proteolytic
enzymes synthesized in response to injury. Experiments in
which p-aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA), a chemical
activator of MMPs, is added to cartilage show a dramatic
increase in cartilage matrix degradation, even in the absence of
protein biosynthesis, illustrating the possibility of such a latent
enzyme population22. Ongoing studies are investigating this
possibility further.
Since it is known that the sGAG chains on aggregated
proteoglycans within cartilage represent the main barrier to
molecular diffusion, it is likely that the removal of a portion of
these molecules from the tissue by the initial injury could facilitate
access of degradative enzymes to their substrates within
the tissue, allowing a progression of cartilage degradation.
It is not yet known whether the released sGAG molecules
represent proteolytic fragments, or rather full-length proteoglycan
molecules that could be released by damage to the collagen
network. Even though no macroscopic tissue fissures were
observed, it is likely that molecular damage of the collagen network
is responsible for the observed shape changes in injured
samples. Studies are planned to determine the size distribution
of sulfated GAG-containing species released to culture medium,
and proteolytic fragments will be identified using antibodies
generated against cleavage sites of specific degradative enzymes
(MMPs and aggrecanases).
It is clear that "joint injury" in vivo involves more than
the isolated cartilage samples as studied in this idealized in
vitro system, but important insights into the progression from
trauma to degenerative joint disease may be gained from this
type of work. It is well-known that cartilage does not heal well
following injury, and the presence of a population of nonviable
cells in the current model system suggests that injury induces
cell death, which may reduce the capacity of the tissue for
repair. Also, it has been previously observed that increased levels
of degradative enzymes exist in the synovial fluid of injured
joints, and that proteolytic matrix fragments also appear in the
synovial fluid following trauma, and it is possible that inhibition
of these catabolic activities could slow matrix degradation as
was observed in the present system. By adding layers of complexity
to this model system (such as inclusion of other joint
tissues, cytokines, more complicated loading during and after
injury), further understanding of the progression of post-traumatic
secondary osteoarthritis may be achieved.
Dr. DiMicco is a Research Fellow in Orthopaedic Surgery at Children's Hospital and a Postdoctoral Associate in the Center for Biomedical Engineering at MIT
Dr. Grodzinsky is a Professor of Mechanical, Electrical, and Biological Engineering, and the Director of the Center for Biomedical Engineering at MIT
Dr. Kim is an Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery at Children's Hospital
Corresponding Author: Young-Jo Kim, MD, PhD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery The Children’s Hospital 300 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 e-mail:
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