Founded by Drs. David Wimberley, James Heckman, and James Herndon, the
Harvard Orthopaedic Journal Club (HOJC) is now in its third year of existence and
has been fortunate to enjoy the continued guidance and mentorship of Dr. Heckman,
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. "It has been a true pleasure
to serve as the moderator of the regularly scheduled general orthopaedic journal club,"
said Heckman. "Resident participation has been of the highest quality, and the support
of the many members of the orthopaedic faculty has been greatly appreciated."
The HOJC meets at regular monthly intervals, typically on the third Thursday
of each month. Five to six articles are selected from each issue of the Journal of
Bone and Joint Surgery by Dr. Heckman and the journal club resident leader. Each is
reviewed in detail by a panel of three residents. One resident summarizes the study
design, methods and results, and two other residents provide critical commentary.
Additionally, a faculty member whose area of expertise coincides with the subject matter
of each article is invited to offer their insights.
Future plans include use of funds from an Orthopaedic Research and Education
Foundation (OREF) grant obtained by Dr. Wimberley to attract local guest speakers,
and provision of more formal resources for resident education in the areas of research
study design, biostatistics and clinical epidemiology.
Participation by area alumni is welcome and encouraged. Please contact Dr.
Pearce McCarty (email address: for a schedule of meeting
times and locations.