Third Session
Moderator: Thomas S. Thornhill, MD
Thesis Presenter: Sanaz Hariri, MD
Title: The impact of direct-to-consumer advertising in orthopaedics
Discusser: Dennis W. Burke, MD Advisor: Harry E. Rubash, MD
Dr. Sanaz Hariri acknowledged that direct-to-consumer advertising
(DTCA), a phenomenon that is largely unknown outside of the United States
and New Zeeland, has played an influential role in the delivery of surgical
care. Dr. Hariri, with the help of hip and knee arthroplasty surgeons throughout
the United States, sought to determine the influence of DTCA on surgeon
and patient opinions and behavior. In particular, she was curious to learn the
impact of DTCA on surgical decision making. Patients and surgeons alike
recorded their opinions of and experiences with DTCA. Dr. Hariri analyzed
these data and reported that over 98% of responding surgeons had experienced
patients who made some reference to DTCA. Seventy-four percent of
surgeons reported DTCA had a negative impact on their practice and patient
interactions. Dr. Hariri reported that 77% of responding surgeons believed
that DTCA confused or misinformed their patients. She also found that 52%
of patient respondents recalled seeing or hearing advertisements related to
hip or knee arthroplasty. She reported that people who has experience DTCA
were more likely to seek multiple opinions and request a specific brand of
implant. Dr. Hariri recommended that efforts focus on improving the quality
and accuracy of information contained in consumer-directed advertisements.
Dr. Dennis W. Burke commented on Hariris work stating that we are approaching
a perfect storm, the culmination of increasing consumer demand
secondary to DTCA, current cost overruns, outcomes-based reimbursement,
and budget cuts. It will be interesting to see if the government allows DTCA
to continue unregulated, if at all.
Thesis Presenter: Raymond W. Hwang, MD
Title: Compartment Syndrome in the Setting of Distal Radius Fracture and Simultaneous Ipsilateral Elbow Injury
Discusser: E. Kenneth Rodriguez, MD Advisor: David C. Ring, MD
Dr. Raymond W. Hwang investigated the incidence of compartment
syndrome in the multiply injured upper extremity. Compartment syndrome
after distal radius fracture alone is uncommon and is unknown when it is
associated with an ipsilateral elbow injury. Dr. Hwang believed that the risk
of forearm compartment syndrome associated with an unstable, operatively
treated fracture of the distal radius is higher when there is an associated
unstable ipsilateral elbow injury. In order to test this hypothesis, he included
all patients that sustained an unstable, operatively treated fracture of the
distal radius and/or injury to the elbow (proximal radius/ulna fracture, simple
elbow dislocation, elbow fracture-dislocation, distal humerus fracture) at two
Level One trauma centers over a five year period were identified from a comprehensive
database. He compared the incidence of compartment syndrome
and acute carpal tunnel syndrome in an isolated distal radius fracture cohort
and a simultaneous distal radius fracture-elbow injury cohort. Dr. Hwang
found that 9 of 59 patients (15%) sustaining simultaneous ipsilateral distal
radius fracture and elbow injury developed forearm compartment syndrome,
compared to three of 869 patients (0.3%) with isolated unstable distal radius
fractures (p <0.0001). He concluded saying that forearm compartment syndrome is a frequent complication of simultaneous unstable injuries to the elbow and distal radius. He urged the audience to maintain a high suspicion of compartment syndrome in patients with this combination of injuries. He stated that compartment measurements and prophylactic fasciotomies might be considered in some patients in whom a reliable clinical exam is not be possible due to other injuries. Dr. Rodriguez was shocked to learn that patients with both proximal and distal forearm injuries have a 50 times increased risk of developing compartment syndrome. He said that in general he was not one to quote numbers, but this was a number he would remember.
Thesis Presenter: Gregory J. DeBlasi, MD
Topic: Complications following Anterior Lumbar Spinal Fusion via Anterior Approach in patients with a History of Prior Intra-Abdominal Surgery
Discusser: Joseph H. Schwab, MD Advisor: Kirkham B. Wood, MD
Dr. Gregory J. DeBlasi commented on the increasing popularity of the
anterior retroperitoneal approach for anterior lumbar interbody fusion and
stated his concern that prior abdominal surgery may increase the risk of
major complication. To evaluate his hypothesis of whether history of prior
intra-abdominal/ intrapelvic surgery confers an increased risk of approach
related complication when undergoing anterior lumbar interbody fusion
via a retroperitoneal approach, Dr. DeBlasi conducted a retrospective chart
review. He examined the medical records of 104 patients who underwent
an infraumbilical retroperitoneal approach to the anterior aspect of the lower
lumbar spine from 2004 to 2006. Data collected included age, gender, procedure
performed, levels fused, intraoperative blood loss, length of hospital stay,
duration of surgery, preoperative diagnosis, blood transfused, intraoperative
and postoperative complications, and resolution of complication. He reported
a minimum of 1 year follow up. Dr. DeBlasi reported that 26 patients
(25%) had an approach related complication, either intraoperatively (11%),
during the immediate postoperative period (5%), or within 1 year of surgery
(10%). He determined that there was a statistically significant increase of the
probability of having a complication when there was a history of abdominal
or pelvic surgery (p <.003). He also found in increased in delayed complication reporting that 19% of patients who had a history of abdominal or pelvic surgery had a late complication compared to only 4% who had not had abdominal surgery in the past (p < .007). Dr. DeBlasi concluded that the operation can be performed safely and with an acceptable complication rate with the assistance of a dedicated approach surgeon in addition to the primary spine team, and that prior abdominal or pelvic surgery puts the patients at higher risk for approach related complication. Although the utilization of an approach surgeon in a abdomen with prior surgery is generally thought to increase safety, Dr. Pellegrini commented on the potential hazards of utilizing an approach surgeon saying that this may increase the risk of intraoperative complications being that the primary surgeon would not know exactly how much of each tissue had been mobilized.