The Harvard Combined Orthopadic Residency JBJS Journal Club continues
to meet monthly, under the guidance of Dr. James Heckman, JBJS Editor-in-
Chief. We are very fortunate to have Dr. Heckman as our faculty advisor. Dr.
Heckman provides unique insight into the selection of articles, as well as serving
as a strong advocate for the club. Both residents and faculty view the journal
club as a tremendous forum to discuss the current advances and controversies
in Orthopaedics.
Journal club is held on Wednesday evenings. We regularly review 3 to 4
articles from the previous months issue of JBJS. Residents vlounteer to summarize and review each article in order to stimulate discussion.
With the advent of a new PGY-4 research rotation, we also discuss a basic science article each month, chosen and reviewed
by the resident currently on that rotation. Our meetings benefit from Dr. Heckmans dedication as his guidance is an inside view on
the thought processes and improvements within orthopaedic research.
The journal club was founded by a former resident, David W. Wimberley, MD in the fall of 2000. Current leadership for the club
is provided by one of our senior residents, Michael Weaver, MD.